Matt Gaetz actually voted for this nonsense.
His credibility just went out the window!! WOW! I’m so GREATLY disappointed! Lou dobbs was spitting fire over this!! I WILL NEVER TRUST HIM AGAIN!! And neither should you!!! Backstabbing weasel!! I guess he doesn’t want to protect the American people from evil regimes and madmen!! So disappointed! FOR ONCE can the republicans stick together on ALL THINGS?!! Bastard!!
MATT GAETZ IS AN IDIOT on this!! AN IDIOT! What is he, GAY??
Lame. He’s siding with the Dems at a time when President Trump needs to be solidly supported; Mike Lee, I’m even more surprised at. Grandstanding pols are in it for themselves. . .
Screw him and Tucker Carlson both. I’m sick of Carlson, laughing in the face of an Iraqi vet for having a slightly different opinion last night while kissing Tulsi Gabbard’s ass was too much.
Before today, the thought has crossed my mind a few times that Matt Gaetz was one person I could possibly support for higher office, somewhere down the road. But after hearing about this outrageous, nonsensical, Nancy-vote, I guarantee you I will never support this wuss for ANYTHING in the future! What a traitorous pelosi-hole! Matt "Gas-head" Gaytz, go away, you fruity gay!!!
If true, hes toast.