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3 Bad Ideas Fueling The Fury Against J.K. Rowling’s Critique Of Transgenderism
The Federalist ^
| 12/24/2019
| Emily Jashinsky
Posted on 12/24/2019 11:34:42 AM PST by SeekAndFind
Three bad ideas are fueling the backlash against J.K. Rowling. The first, that a human’s biological sex can be changed. The second, that believing otherwise tarnishes one’s character. The third, that artists must conform entirely to leftist standards lest their work be deemed unworthy of consumption. Each of these bad ideas is rooted in notions both ascendant and troubling.
Rowling, an outspoken leftist, made headlines just about everywhere on Thursday for tweeting in support of Maya Forstater, an academic who lost her job at a think tank over tweets affirming the reality of biological sex, including, “men cannot change into women.” The “Harry Potter” author used her platform to weigh in:
As we noted in June, the far left has long suspected Rowling sympathizes with TERFs, trans-exclusionary radical feminists,” based on Twitter accounts she follows and posts she likes.
I won’t spend much time arguing against the notion that humans can change their biological sex, or that biological sex differences are insignificant and fluid. If this is not abundantly obvious, I recommend considering the work of psychiatrists like Paul McHugh and Allan Josephson. (There’s a reason far-left feminists like Rowling dissent on this issue.) It is, however, worth recognizing Rowling is only in the news because the denial of biological reality has become increasingly normalized, particularly among media members who make coverage decisions.
As to the second bad idea, that people who dispute new leftist teachings on gender are of poor character, Rowling is an instructive case study. While it remains baffling that any of this is a matter of debate at all, there are perfectly decent people on either side of the conflict.
The left, however, insists this is impossible, and has deliberately crafted arguments to cast detractors not as well-intentioned ideological opposites, but bigots. Say something along the lines of “men cannot change into women,” as Forstater did, and you’ve “denie[d] the basic humanity” of transgender individuals or provoked violence.
Thus there is exactly zero space for reasonable disagreement, because disagreement, by this logic, is dangerous. Those who perpetrate such disagreement are willfully complicit or deliberately harmful.
If you accept that line of thinking, you may also believe Rowling’s wrongthink necessarily tarnishes her books, because she’s bad, and bad people should not be among the artists you patronize. Not only is such a standard impossible to uphold, especially given the left’s efforts to equate political disagreement with poor character, but its adoption would deprive the public of countless great works.
Artists are as complicated as any of us, and it’s their ability to explore those complexities that makes them great. I’ve written before that it’s legitimately fair to consider whether patronizing the work of bad people harmfully increases their wealth and power. But as Camille Paglia once noted, “Great art has often been made by bad people. So what? Expecting the artist to be a good person was a sentimental canard of Victorian moralism.”
All this is to say the Rowling backlash is a tangled knot of unfortunate trends: The normalization of ideas that reject biological reality, the leveling of character attacks against anyone who upholds that reality, and the proliferation of a standard that pressures artists to conform to progressivism lest they be banished from polite society along with their work.
Rowling will weather this storm. Will the rest of us?
Emily Jashinsky is culture editor at The Federalist.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: jkrowling; lgbt; transgednerism
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To: SeekAndFind
While there may be perfectly decent people on either side of the conflict among those actually calling the dance for the Left who are insisting insanity and perversion be held normal to be doctrinally pure there are no good actors.
Past a certain point theyre either koolaid-sipping bat-poo crazy too or lucid and culpable as indctrinators and fellow travelers with the Marxists behind cultural Marxism.
posted on
12/24/2019 12:36:10 PM PST
(Standup Philosopher)
To: SeekAndFind
I enjoy authors whose political or personal views I dont like.
If I ever had to agree with them, I could never read a book.
posted on
12/24/2019 12:36:25 PM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: Yaelle
The biology of sex is real. Facts are stubborn things.
Its no use stating the obvious to our cancel culture.
posted on
12/24/2019 12:45:43 PM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: RummyChick
Rowling and I are political opposites. We both agree on the unity of human nature and that the parts are the sum of the whole.
This is an indisputable fact. This isnt the place for rational people to cede ground.
posted on
12/24/2019 12:54:15 PM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: cloudmountain
Everyone gets a serious encounter with the Lord.
Not everyone get theirs while theres still time.
One of the most insidious things about how homosexuality or genderism is billed in our so-called culture is that it essentially paints the sin to be bigger than the Lord. They cannot change, its inborn they claim, so of course they ought not to repent as well as cannot.
But while many blame the Lord for the cesspool theyve waded into, acting as if its His fault, the truth is that at some point they let some emotion or fantasy run away with them. Who without knowledge (and better: faith) can argue with a heart flutter or a whim as if they were rational processes?
Some time ago, addressing different circumstances and about different matters, when I was saying what the Lord had done for me one guy came back saying that it was remarkable what imagination could do but when I shot back that an imagination run amuck cannot be corralled in an instant by more imagination, such that terror be replaced with resolve, he went silent. That shut him down ... that day. Sadly my witness bounced off his noggin to no discernible effect.
posted on
12/24/2019 12:54:19 PM PST
(Standup Philosopher)
To: Sergio
Transgenderism is sooooooo yesterday. Can’t these people find new things to be offended by?
posted on
12/24/2019 12:59:48 PM PST
(Washington Post & NYT (protectors of corrupt white liberal elites) sold out their country.)
The lunatics are running the asylum. A generation ago common sense was common place.
Today, its a miracle that people can agree on anything at all.
posted on
12/24/2019 1:03:14 PM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: SeekAndFind
Interest rate for a women that enables all the magic mombo jumbo in the minds of the snowflake generation
The grew up in this alt reality of Harry Potter that magic and wishes can change you into whatever you want
you’re a guy and you want to be a woman well hell just wave your magic wand then say I’m a woman
This is the queen of fantasy complaining about the generation that grew up on it believing in fantasy
It a create she made...
posted on
12/24/2019 1:05:51 PM PST
To: Fiji Hill
posted on
12/24/2019 3:07:36 PM PST
(CNN's Dana B: "Show of hands: Coverage for undocumented immigrants?" ***all Democrat hands raised***)
To: Oshkalaboomboom
Thanks for the link. HOORAY PJW!!! LGBTotalitarian ALERT!!
posted on
12/24/2019 3:21:34 PM PST
(Past Peak Civilization?)
To: bert
Yes! How did it come about that society at large must agree with someone’s denial of reality? Where is the little kid to say the emperor has no clothes?
posted on
12/24/2019 3:24:37 PM PST
("Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods." ~ H.L. Mencken)
To: Rurudyne
Anything besides heterosexuality is aberrant.
Young people, early to mid-teens, CHOOSE not to be heterosexual...and CHOOSE to be homo/bi/non/Q. There is NO truth that there is/was anything normal about those aberrant sexuality choices. Everyone is BORN heterosexual.
Every society/nationality, etc., accepts heterosexuality as the NORM and anything else is wrong, sinful and/or aberrant.
To: SeekAndFind
When asked about this issue, I say, “Why should I have to accept their reality, when they cannot accept reality.”
posted on
12/24/2019 5:18:34 PM PST
To: cloudmountain
Theres a truism I come up with a while ago: Some things just take too long to say unless youre preaching to the choir.
So I hear you, preacher. But to those who cannot no amount of words will convince them to hear ... getting camels through the eyes of needles ... thats the Holy Spirits job anyway..
posted on
12/24/2019 7:06:20 PM PST
(Standup Philosopher)
To: Rurudyne
Theres a truism I come up with a while ago: Some things just take too long to say unless youre preaching to the choir.
So I hear you, preacher. But to those who cannot no amount of words will convince them to hear ... getting camels through the eyes of needles ... thats the Holy Spirits job anyway..People always have choices.
One can always pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance, wisdom, strength, peace, hope and a better understanding of what our Lord wants from us.
However, if one wasn't brought up to know the Holy Spirit or Jesus or our Father in heaven, then one seems to have to rely on him/herself. And that's a no-win.
We ARE also allowed to ASK our Lord for His sustaining grace.
Our Lord listens to us, always.
To: SeekAndFind
God created man and woman. People created mutilated freaks.
posted on
12/25/2019 8:56:20 AM PST
okie 54
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