....”What the Trump-ians have on their side is hope, and the cultivation of hope. What the nihilistic urbanist Dems have on their side is despair, and the cultivation of hatred and division”......
I don’t believe for a second the Dem Urbanits are in dispair, not evn a little., and frankly doesn’t matter in the least to me if they are cultivating their own hatred and division. Let them destroy themselves and the hole they’ve dug..........meanwhile Pres Trump is our President... and hope always burns eternal.
“these three remain: Faith, HOPE and Love.”
Not them, but their base, who are the people living in rat-infested Baltimore, or crapping on the floor in grocery chains in Frisco.
They are not happy people. And the Dems want them that way, so they keep voting for them. It’s sick and disgusting, and must be defeated. In the interim, I am not EVER going to go to Frisco, but that’s a given, same as I’m not visiting Calcutta or Ghaza.