The Hawaii property was simply a rental...I think either a one-year or two-year lease.
The Rancho Mirage property is often discussed (on a golf course, if I understand it correctly). Some news groups suggest that they bought this evidence exists, and I would speculate it’s a leased deal as well.
Same story for the Dubai 5-million dollar property...that was rumored around for six months, and I think he just did a short-term lease and hung out there.
I would go and suggest that Obama wants to play a key role in the 2024 election and is planting himself in Martha’s Vineyard as a base of operation.
I think he does too.
All of a sudden he’s making comments like he thinks he’s a Leftist sage.
The guy is a vacuous moron.
He was the product of a group effort that lasted more than a decade, possibly more than two.
On his own without the media and big dollar backing, he would never have been elected to office, must less the presidency.
The man never accomplished much of anything. He had about as much executive experience as a second tier postal worker.