After a contentious 2016 primary, Eric Greitens, Navy Seal became the Republican nominee for Governor in 2016 running against entrenched Democrat, Chris Koster. Greitens won and he won primarily because he was an 'outsider'.
Like our President, as soon as Greitens won (by 6 points) the long knives came out from BOTH parties because this man vowed to 'shake up' Jeff City. He did not back down when more riots started in Ferguson, deploying the NG immediately. His vow to discontinue the 'tax abatements' handed out like candy got the maggot, MO deep state in a frenzy.
A case was built on Greitens having an 'affair' during the campaign. The woman, who now claimed that she was a 'victim' came forward. Claimed that Greitens had tied her up nude and took pictures. NO PICTURES were ever produced. The case was handed off to a corrupt, black district attorney, Kim Gardner. The entire case was rammed through all avenues and pressure continued to build on Greitens. NOTHING was ever proven; no pictures, no nothing...but that didn't stop the media in the state from smearing this man. He finally resigned in June of 2018. What did we get in return? An old, pasty faced white guy who claimed he was out on 'his farm' while all this was going on.
Bottom line: The maggot republicans joined the maggot democrats in badgering this man and building a case on total lies. They showed 'us' that our vote is null and void. 'They' (our betters) have control.
This betrayal can and may happen against OUR President.
Thank you for this detailed information. Hopefully it will be read and understood by people who still believe others, rather than themselves, will restore our nation.