Hundreds of thousands of illegals ion CA are registered and vote.
I live here I KNOW illegals are voting in DROVES!!! No one does a damn thing about it!!! Until our side decides to start raising hell this state is DONE!!!
During the Trump roundup this should of have been done. AND STILL CAN
Check the precinct list of registered voters where these illeagle resided. If theyre on that list, Federal crime, charge them and those that enabled them to vote knowing they were illegals. If enough noise is made it should discourage illegals still here from voting. Besides determining how they got a drivers license. Show how much its costing taxpayers of that state. Also point out increased premiums on drivers insurance rates. As well as demonstrate how that areas ,local ,state and federal taxes are increased by diverting educational, medical, food and housing allocations to meet illegal’s needs at citizen expense.