Nappy is Rat tool. I’ve lost count of how many times he has provided them with a useful “opinion”.
We can only expect mentally ill behaviors from homosexuals like Nap.
Yes, the change in him has been remarkable. Did Paul Ryan threaten to remove all his media contracts?
Sounds like Napolitano thinks if a democrat gets to be president he can have a chance to get into the supreme court.
Libertarian Party Fool
The answer is in post #4 above ...
The bitter plllow biter has been about 0 for 100 with his predictions these last 2+ years. And his fellow faygala Shep Smith keeps having him on and praising his insight.
Napolitano’s longtime friend, James C. Sheil, died on March 19, 2013.
Having never learned anything new on “news shows”, it was easy for me to turn the slop off.
Read my lips.....Wallace, Smith, Cavuto, Williams, Napolitano, etc., need to fired from Fox News Channel & Fox Business News immediately. And...if old man Murdock let Paul Ryan loose...he can kiss his “Fox” empire goodbye!!!
Mr. should realize that Paul Ryan is like Mitt Romney or deceased John McCain...the Low life, scum & vermin of political humanity. They all are hated by millions of Americans!!! Wise up old are going to destroy the Cable News TV that lays the golden TV viewers egg...dummy!!!
Hes a retard, Jim.
“..solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign government.”
He was trying to expose corruption in our gov and drain the swamp.
It’s all spin.
He spun...poorly.
The buggery has gotten to his brain.
Not sure why anyone ever gave AF what this never-Trump dick-sucking midget troll thought.
He has veered off course searching for some traction against bigger lights on Fox. It’s all about ratings and the perception of ratings.
If Nappy says A, then it’s always Z. What’s up is down.
Always was with him, always will be. It’s no wonder he likes bedding his boyfriend.
No he’s just another sell out for a paycheck.
Hey Judge: Show me where it says that if you run as a candidate for President you are above the law. That its OK to admit to crimes and you cant be investigated so long as you are a candidate.
Ill wait.