If you’re referring to the whistle-blower, shouldn’t his legal fees be covered by taxpayers if all’s on the up and up and he meets certain criteria?
But if he’s going the Go Fund Me route, that can only mean something doesn’t pass the smell test.
Everybody is looking to shakedown the public thru “Go Fund Me”. Probably doesn’t mean a thing, one way or the other. That said, I hope this so-called whistleblower doesn’t qualify as such.
I think it was established from the start that he did meet the criteria of a whistle blower.
The whole thing is one big mind boggle.
The media in this country is so corrupt you can’t get a straight answer.
If Trump were a democrat, OTOH, you’d have the story.
It’s all for legal fees.
I've read that the whistleblower had volunteer lawyers who were linked to the Clintons, and who had advertised for people with dirt on the administration. Supposedly, this firm promised support during the course of the complaint.
Did anyone else read this, or have additional info? And, if its true, why would the additional funds from a GoGund me be needed? Say, what is Christine Blasey-Ford doing with her extra GoFundMe funds?
“But if hes going the Go Fund Me route, that can only mean something doesnt pass the smell test.”
It doesn’t pass smell test. Reporting on something you heard third hand from an anti-Trump supporter is not whistle blowing. It’s innuendo which will cost a lot of money.
Do we know the nationality of the whistle-blower ?