When I heard Mars and Venus were warming, that was the last nail in the coffin of the Globull Warming Hoax for me.
I know a true believer who is into “Climate Change”, the hockey stick graph and all of it. I asked him, if rising CO2 levels creates a runaway feedback loop of increased temperature, then how did the earth go into and out of 5 separate ice ages? Dinosaur SUVs? He just ignored me, like he ignores all of my logic and reason.
Liberal. More heart than brain. Feelings are everything. Logic is meaningless to them.
Liberalism is a severe mental disorder, as Michael Savage boldly proclaimed.
There's not much evidence from Venus. There's evidence of warming on Mars, for 100,000 or more years. It's not particularly relevant. Mars has a 95% CO2 atmosphere, yet is frigid due to lack of a protective magnetic field that keeps earth's atmosphere from being stripped away. In short, planetary comparisons have too little data and there are too many differences to conclude that solar energy increases are causing warming common to different planets.