False; I was under the influence many times in my younger days but never drove nor possessed weapons. Glad I could clear up that misapprehension.
You are out of control
Also false; one can get out of control on MJ or alcohol, or be influenced but controlled - as again I did many times.
You seem to "know" some things about MJ that just aren't so. Your FR profile says "I am teachable" ... I guess we'll soon see whether that's the case.
Glad you did not drive/go armed when you were under the influence ( yeah, right, the morally responsible doper).
Being under the influence of such substances automatically defines one as under the influence- so “out of control”. Rationalizing that you never killed anyone meaning you were under control is false.
While I am teachable, I am not so open minded that my brains have fallen out.
End of conversation. Do whatever, I pray the you will never harm anyone else while under the influence of legal or illegal substances, not for your sake but for theirs.