From my home state.
Did he mention the numbers of dead are directly proportional to being in a gun free zone?
Schools are out of control. Teachers are teaching 2 mommies and 2 daddies.
I don’t think i trust those teachers to make good decisions, they clearly cant get the first 5 minutes of chromisome 101.
The only answer is to return to black and white, right and wrong.
God established this and it is the pnly solution. It doesn’t make flashy media bites and its much less expensive.
Moral relativism is literally killing as we speak.
Our nation was not created to function without a blanket of God given morality.
SH had cameras and they didn’t stop a thing.
No, he doesn’t get it. The discussion (CNN, of course) should not be about gun control but about mental illness. Some wacked out angry person stabbed several people yesterday. The nut didn’t use guns but knives. So, where’s CNN’s outcry for knife control? Ban knives!!!! Surely, AOC is holding a protest march in front of Kroger’s demanding they stop selling evil knives. Nope. It’s crickets.
“For Lewis, the answer lies in a better mental health system, more vigilant teachers and peers, and his signature issue- making schools more physically secure.”
In all due respect to Mr. Lewis, those ‘answers’ might sound good, but the reality is this is a spiritual problem and unless and until this country has a spiritual revival in a big way, nothing meaningful will change.
Public schools are little more than liberal indoctrination centers, pushing anti-American; anti-Christian values, along with emphasis on all things lgbtq.
Most ‘teachers’ would sooner abort your kid than teach them.
And in the age of obamacare as the AMA has also gone ultra-PC, you are going to trust them to decide what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ mental health?
Homeschool, Mr. Lewis. And returning the nation to worshipping the one true God.
He must have hated his brother. /Democrat response
THey should have had that little Hogg on the show too:-)