There are 43 murders every day here in the United States. There are laws against murder yet they happen. There are tough gun laws in major cities yet they are used to murder. Murder is a fact of life in our country. Nothing will stop it.
Actually, the murder rate per capita is not worse now compared to 20, 30, or even 50 years ago. In fact, its much improved. But these facts appear to contradict what we are fed by the news media. If the media would back off their coverage, the murder rate would drop even further. The corporations that own the news have increasingly applied their entertainment business model to the news division by the theory, “if it bleeds, it leads.”
But the dirty little secret, if anyone bothered to do the research, is it is no coincidence that the murder rate has been dropping over the years as more and more citizens purchase more and more weapons. Gun violence has been decreasing significantly over time, not increasing as youll nauseatingly hear from anti-gun politicians and progressives and the media.
There are OVER 3,000!
We have sown the wind; and are now reaping the whirlwind.
NO one in the crowd had a gun of their OWN for protection?
The police are only minutes away...
In MY WALMART in Greenfield, IN you can see folks OPENLY carrying!