Posted on 08/06/2019 4:58:31 AM PDT by Louis Foxwell
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
Around the same time that the media was focused on the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, 60 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend. 24 of those people were shot in four hours.
Baltimore reached its 200th murder victim of the year during its Ceasefire Weekend.
4 people were killed in 4 days in Kansas City. 6 men were shot in Philly during the filming of a rap video.
Even in Toronto, 15 people were wounded in shootings over the weekend. Over 350 people have been shot this year in the Canadian city which has gun control, no NRA, and none of the usual excuses.
This tide of violence has received less media coverage because it challenges the false claim that, as a CNN op-ed once put it, mass shootings are a white mans problem.
"I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country," Rep. Ilhan Omar claimed on Al Jazeera.
"We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men," Don Lemon had previously claimed on CNN.
"White Men Have Committed More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Group," Newsweek had argued.
The perception that mass shootings are a white mans problem lingers around the country because white mass shooters tend to get more publicity. And, the twisted young male who goes on a public shooting spree fits a certain kind of media narrative. But when we actually study the mass shootings that took place in 2019, its clear that Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts are not the norm, but aberrations.
Mass shooters have no particular ideology. Crusius and Betts were opposites ideologically. (Though both cared deeply about the environment.) Nor are mass shooters a white problem or a black problem. Over the same bloody weekend, William Patrick Williams, who is African-American, appeared in court after being arrested by the FBI for planning to shoot up a Texas hotel with an AK-47 rifle.
Looking at the data from the Mass Shooting Tracker, widely utilized by the media, as of this writing, of the 72 mass shooters, perpetrators in shootings that killed or wounded 4 or more people, whose race is known, 21 were white, 37 were black, 8 were Latino, and 6 were members of other groups.
51% of mass shooters in 2019 were black, 29% were white, and 11% were Latino.
Three mass shooters were Asian, two were American Indian and one was Arab.
These numbers are if anything vastly understated. As many as half of the mass shootings that took place in 2019 thus far remain unsolved, but they often took place in black areas and claimed black victims.
White people make up 61% of the countrys population, followed by Hispanics at 17.8%, and African-Americans at 12.7%. In that context, white people are actually dramatically underrepresented among mass shooters, as are Latinos, while African-Americans are highly overrepresented. But that may be because Latino gangs, like MS-13, are less likely to use handguns in public shootouts. And white organized crime groups, like the mafia, no longer carry out attacks like the St. Valentines Day Massacre.
Much of this countrys gun violence is really gang violence. And shooting your enemies is a tactic. White organized crime groups make their victims disappear. MS-13s victims are beheaded and buried in parks. Black gang members open fire on each in major cities. The perpetrators are sometimes never caught. When we distill the problem of mass shootings to its statistical roots, it becomes a gang tactic.
Would the media really like to argue that beheadings are preferable to shootings as a tactic? Were the people buried under Whiteys house better off than the gang members shot on a Chicago street corner?
Beyond gang violence, the list of mass shootings includes family murder-suicides carried out by both white and black perpetrators, though white family shootings were more prevalent, and workplace shootings by both white and black perpetrators, though black workplace shootings were more common.
Bias is a factor in the overreporting on white mass shooters, but there are different kinds of media biases. Beyond political bias, theres also narrative bias. The medias objectivity isnt just undermined by political agendas, but by the entertainment value of a story from its own privileged perspective.
The media finds a story about a shooting in a small town interesting, but a shooting in the inner city boring. A shooting at a Garlic Festival is a novelty while a shooting at a house party in Chicago isnt. But the pursuit of novelty creates its own narrative which makes it seem as if mass shootings happen in unlikely places, because they are more memorable, than in the big cities where they actually happen.
And yet some mass shootings were inherently newsworthy, but were never reported.
DeWayne Craddock, a Virginia Beach government employee murdered 12 people at his workplace. The victims were both white and black. Even though Craddock was the deadliest workplace mass shooter of 2019, theres been very little coverage of his case.
Craddocks killing spree got far less coverage than Santino William Legans attack on the Gilroy Garlic Festival even though he killed 4 times more people than Legan did. White mass shooters like Legan are seen as more newsworthy because they make a better case for gun control due to the fact that they are likelier to use heavier weapons. Legan brought a rifle to the Garlic festival. Craddock used .45 handguns. And he used them more effectively than Legan used, what the media is calling, an assault rifle.
Heavier weapons may make for a better political agenda, but they arent necessarily deadlier.
Then theres a mass shooting story out of Detroit that would have scratched two of the medias political itches, homophobia and gun control, but was instead buried because the shooter fit the wrong profile.
In June, Devon Robinson shot two gay men and one transgender man. The shootings, which took place during Pride Month, according to a spokeswoman for the prosecutors office, targeted and killed the victims because they were part of the LGBTQ community. Had Devon been white, theres little doubt that there would already be a play, a movie and a monument to his victims. But instead its been buried.
The Robinson shootings demonstrate how the media negotiates its own intersectional cover-ups. As does the very different coverage of the political orientations of Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts.
While mass shooters can come from any race or political belief, the one thing that unites them is a desire for publicity. Mass shooters often admire and track the high scores of other mass shooters regardless of their motives and politics. What they really want to do, above all else, is kill.
Seung-Hui Cho, the South Korean immigrant, who killed 32 people at Virginia Tech, wrote of being inspired by the Columbine killers, and claimed that he wanted to die to "inspire generations of the weak and defenseless people". Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook school shooter, was inspired by Anders Breivik, a Neo-Nazi mass shooter, even though he had nothing apparently in common with him.
What mass shooters like Cho and Crusius really want is to be celebrities. And the media makes that happen. It broadcasts their manifestos, plasters their photos everywhere, and makes them famous.
And then the next mass shooter uses them as his inspiration.
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Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
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Louis Foxwell
If the Brown Shirt Media has decided that White Terrorism is a problem it must be. The Air Force already agrees with them, it would seem. Any moment now the DOJ will probably agree, as well. Buckle up, because fighting white terrorism is going to be a really big, BIG job.
We can parse these mass shootings all we want. The left is immune to facts. All they see is a propaganda opportunity which incrementally brings them closer to confiscation each time. Once the guns are confiscated, the ovens again will fire up.
This can’t be true !
These must have been dudes who forgot to wash after cross burnin’
We can parse these mass shootings all we want. The left is immune to facts. All they see is a propaganda opportunity which incrementally brings them closer to confiscation each time. Once the guns are confiscated, the ovens again will fire up.
That’s more or less how I see it. It doesn’t really matter who commits mass shootings, the media will exploit it, not just for ratings and sensationalism, but for their anti-gun slant.
However, when they are carried out by white people, they can be exploited for racial reasons as well, so then it’s a double win for them.
No one holds the media accountable for glorifying these shooters. They are so duplicitous for trying to blame Trump. Every time one of these things happens and the killers get their names and visage immortalized by the media, it further solidifies the concept that you will go down in a blaze of glory in this country if you just take out enough people.
The left is immune to facts.
Theyre not immune to facts. They simply dont care about facts.
They care about power.
See my tag line.
and “13 do 50” proves its worth as a rule once more
Which demographic is 5.5% of the population, and is responsible for 50+% of the murders?
That which can not be named.
Re: “whose race is known”
Focus totally on that fact.
60% of Black murders are never solved. The numbers are even worse for Black gang murders and Black drug related murders.
40% of Hispanic murders are never solved.
In sharp contrast, only 20% of white murders are not solved. And, close to 100% of white mass shooters are caught or identified.
Bottom Line - when you adjust the numbers for unsolved mass shootings, white mass shooters are LESS than 20% of the total.
That demographic has already been targeted for termination via abortion; nobody is losing sleep trying to solve murders in that community.
There are 43 murders every day here in the United States. There are laws against murder yet they happen. There are tough gun laws in major cities yet they are used to murder. Murder is a fact of life in our country. Nothing will stop it.
Actually, the murder rate per capita is not worse now compared to 20, 30, or even 50 years ago. In fact, its much improved. But these facts appear to contradict what we are fed by the news media. If the media would back off their coverage, the murder rate would drop even further. The corporations that own the news have increasingly applied their entertainment business model to the news division by the theory, “if it bleeds, it leads.”
But the dirty little secret, if anyone bothered to do the research, is it is no coincidence that the murder rate has been dropping over the years as more and more citizens purchase more and more weapons. Gun violence has been decreasing significantly over time, not increasing as youll nauseatingly hear from anti-gun politicians and progressives and the media.
An excellent piece — thanks for posting.
This time the ovens will be lit for the Christians.
Christians say NO to; homosexuality, abortion, transgenderism, hookup culture and all of the other spirits of the age.
Christians say these things are against Gods will so they must die, even though the Christians have no power or authority today to stop them.
They make the sinners feel bad so they must die.
Shooters are fatherless.
CPS Child Protective Services creates mass murderers.
We need background checks for CPS
and registration for CPS.
I would have addressed my comment (#16) to you if I had read further down before I posted. I agree with you 100%.
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