Protect these poor kids from their parents - they’re the ones doing the damage.
Not haters...we’re disapprovers.
More proof that some people arent fit to breed.
They likely are getting quite a bit of under the table cash from pimping out their kids.
Kids don't get this way without their parents completely turning on God. After that God will turn them all over to a reprobate mind. You just don't see all this sodomy in Christian families.
By “haters” I guess they mean people who hate people with religious conviction.
I just understand they hate G-d, and thus hate people who worship Him.
There is literally, and I know how to use that word, no difference between this and parents who help their kids to be successful drug dealers. They are setting their children up for a life of internal horror, while trying to tell them not to be horrified.
Street racing?
Like vegan cats. You know who’s making the decisions.
It’s a yawn...lots of nutty people in the world.
Two “m” words come to mind. Millstone and maranatha.
Child abuse.
They seek to normalize their behavior to achieve easier access to MOLEST YOUR CHILDREN!
On page 37, the other relevant result relates to men.
The 13th research question addressed, of homosexual men who have been molested, what percentage were molested before self-identification as homosexual men, and what percentage were molested after self-identification as homosexual? Of homosexual men who were molested, 68% were molested before self-identification as homosexual, and 32% were molested after self-identification as homosexual.
The Left's Push For Pedophile Acceptance
If you want my Word Doc. with links to 20 other studies supporting this position, Private Message me with your e-mail.
No numbers, few names, no sex, no experiences, and who cares?
The bottom line based on the picture, One of the most common accusations leveled against the parents is that they are pushing their children into drag, sexualizing them and damaging their mental health. The comments paint a somewhat different picture of Canadian thought.
Speaking of abuse, racism and hate, two more abused words in the English language.
Yes, that’s where we are with this depraved behavior.
The Today Show did a puff piece about an 11 year old boy, “Desmond”, who dances in drag . That was an event which normalizes this sort of thing.
I have wondered who has molested “Desmond”.
Another aspect of this troubles me, which is that we as a society, or the parents, are unable/unwilling to say, that certain things are not appropriate for children, that certain things are done only by adults.
If consenting adults want to dance in drag, that’s very different from a child doing the same. And it seems our culture has lost the ability to simply say to kids such as “Desmond”, that he’s too damn young to be involved in that stuff.
Ultimately his lame parents are responsible because they didn’t have the courage or ability to say to “Desmond” that he’s too damn young, now go do your homework.
Nobody hates these kids. We´re just appalled at the level of child sexual abuse going on here, right out in the open and at the hands of their parents.
This is all part of the left´s goal of normalizing pedophilia.
Yep, the perverts are coming after our children, deliberately trying to confuse them to create a new batch of “fresh meat” willing to engage in their debauchery.
This is absolute evil.
This is sexual child abuse.