HERE is the latest silly BS the MSM is trying to use to link Epstein to Trump. This is hard to follow:
1. Trump bought the former boat of Adnan Kashoggi, renaming it Princess Trump.
2. Ghislaine’s Mossad dad Robert Maxwell had a boat was sold to a brother of Adnan Kashoggi.
(face brightens, claps hands in overjoyed triumph)
Sen. Chuck Schumer (who recently said President Trump should answer for his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein), accepted thousands of dollars in donations from the pedophile throughout the 1990s, according to reports.
According to Federal Election Commission records, Schumer received seven $1,000 donations from Epstein between 1992 and 1997, first as a congressman from New York, then when he was running for the states senator in 1998, which he won.Epstein was arrested on child sex trafficking charges and charged with molesting dozens of underage girls in New York and Florida. (Excerpt) Read more at ...
Trump kicked Epstein out of his Mar-a-Lago residence immediately upon hearing what he did the first go around.
Trump himself went to the police.
The police themselves said that Trump was very open, thorough, and transparent, and were pleased with him in this matter.
A bit of Trivia: the Yacht that Trump bought was used in the Bond film Never Say Never Again.
The quotation they keep citing as proof that Epstein and Trump were close personal friends actually implies the opposite:
Trump paraphrases third parties telling him Epstein loves younger women as much as himself. If he were so close to Epstein, then he would know it firsthand from his so-called BFF, not from other parties.
The fact that Trump said young/younger “women” and not young/younger “girls” is hugely in his favor. He clearly was speaking of actual majority-age females who happened to be relatively junior in years.