Trump a big disappointment re: illegals . Now they are coming in from Africa in huge numbers . Wall ? I thought Mexico was going to pay for it ? No wall and no $ from Mexico .
You need to take into account that powerful forces are working against Trump’s efforts to stop illegals incursions and kick out those already here. Despite what the left claims, he is not a dictator who can say, “Deport all illegal aliens now” and it will be done.
Please do not blame Trump for the fact that so many leftist judges, politicians, and the media are throwing everything they have at him to stop his agenda. Instead, fight against the socialists and give him support. If you give up on him because he cannot impose his will through dictatorial powers, you give victory to the socialists. And the US is already too dangerously close to becoming a socialist dictatorship to withhold support for freedom on the basis that the president hasn’t stopped illegal invasion. He has done a lot. His ultimatum with Mexico was genious.
Why aren’t you president than, if you think you can do better.
Just exactly how can Trump stop the illegals by himself.