Posted on 06/16/2019 4:26:57 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
The Talk Shows
June 16th, 2019
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Delusional democrat presidential candidate Sen. Burnie Sanders, I-Vt. & NOPE*; Left-wing activist and so-called comedian Jon Stewart. The panel will be Whine Williams, co-host of The Five; Rich Lowry of National Never Trump Review; Donna Brazile Nut, former Delusional democrat National Committee interim chairwoman and cover-upper of Seth Richs murder by the Deep State; and radio host Guy Benson of
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg, D(emented)-South Bend, Ind. & NOPE*; Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La. The panel will be syndicated columnist George I am a Sissy Will, Helene Cooper of The New York Slimes; Mark Leibovich of The New York Slimes Magazine and Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Buttigieg, Gay NOPE*; Big Mike Pompeo; Rep. Adam Schitt, pop-eyed freak and D(eranged)-Calif.; Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. The panel will be Amy Walter of The Cooked-up Political Report, CBS News political commissar Leslie Sanchez and Deranged democratic race stratergist Antjuan Seawright.
THIS WEEK (ABC): President Donald Trump--more from Georgie Little Wise Guy Steppenallofuses interview. Horse-toothed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D(espicable)-N.Y. The panel will be Rick Klein, ABC News Politburo chief; former Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J.; Despicable democrat strategist Stefanie Brown James, co-founder of Collective (Farm) PAC; and Julie Pace, Arch-propagandist of The Associated Pressitudes.
STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): Buttigieg, Gay & NOPE*; former Rep. Beta ORourke, D(umbass)-Texas, presidential candidate & NOPE*. The panel will be CNN Never Trumper Amanda Carpenter, former democrat Dumbass governor of Michigan Jennifer Granholm, also Rick Santorum and former Hillary spokesbeing and Liar Karen Finney.
SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES (FNC): Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas; Peter Navarro, assistant to the president for trade and manufacturing policy; Rep. Matt Cartwright, D(isoriented)-Pa.; Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.; Gordon Chang, Asia analyst and author of The Coming Collapse Of China and Losing South Korea." Former US Air Force Airman Charles Payne hosts.
*NOPE = Never Obtain the Presidency, Ever
What was so awful about AOC? I bet half the folks here dated an “AOC”..
Well...good question.
First, why is this first term Rep. suddenly a political talk show star? She has done nothing, didn’t even know what a garbage disposal did, said so many untruths she almost went directly to hell right on the show.
As for dating an AOC....nothing wrong with that. She’s pretty and, as I said before, I like her lipstick.
But she wasn’t awful as somebody’s date. She was awful for an elected member of congress telling us all incorrect things, misquoting the President....showing up out of nowhere on a Sunday political talk show.
At least that’s how I view it.
Your mileage may vary.
But as somebody’s date? I should think she’d be perfect.
I've seen steel buildings that have been destroyed by fire, the beams and girders are all bent and twisted.
You can probably see the same thing on any search engine.
Graham is deferring to Barr and Durham. Grassley deferred to Rosenstein. I trust Barr more.
What I keep hearing is that without oversight, the government will run amok. As far as I'm concerned, it does that just fine WITH oversight. Every remedy Congress has provided, has done more to enable and less to rein in. Take FISA for example Supposed to REDUCE warrantless surveillance. Instead, created a multi-million dollar make work bureaucracy that excels at thumping its own chest, immunizing bad actors, and providing cover for unconstitutional surveillance.
And then there is that other "essential for frredom" apparatus, the press. Don't get me going.
they can do all the polls they want but when slo joe gets 85 people and we get 30k its not even a contest and that’s what 2020 will be all about,its all going our way.!!!
I sure hope so. Its “very” possible Trump is saving all the jail terms for Trump II!! His second term.
Great post! Probably why we love Trump so much. He came in as a non politician and he’s pretty much staying that way.
Yeah I get it. Once you are in radio as long as we have been in its hard to get it out of your system,I know I can’t.I started in 78 unpaid until 88 and got out in 2004 but still come back for a few minutes here and there.
Thanks pugmama.lOL I knew that one would roll here,just too good!
thanks you very much! This one really needs to get around.Something is very wrong here.Could be an entirely corrupt hospital local and state govt. for all this to happen.
Exactly! Anything good coming our way is either spun to death, lied about, or totally ignored. This is why what we do here at the New Media is so important.I have come to believe that much of the problem is deep inside the major media that all have mockingbird sensors who kill anything that does not suit the cabal goal of chaos.
from the link:
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said the impeachment of President Donald Trump is “absolutely” warranted in an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday. McCabe denounced Trump, saying there is a difference between taking information acquired “illegally” from “representatives” of a hostile foreign government while defending Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, as CNN’s Chris Cuomo put it, “paying Russians for information to amass a dossier.”
“Does the argument that, yes, OK, you shouldn’t have Russians giving you anything and you shouldn’t have been paying Russians for information to amass a dossier the way Clinton did — do you see these as analogs?” Cuomo asked McCabe.
“Not at all, Chris. There’s no equivalence between those two examples,” McCabe responded. “To openly invite foreign intelligence officers, representatives from a hostile foreign government to steal information, to acquire opposition research in anyway, in any illegal way that they might do that and to present it to you is one thing.”
“For a campaign to hire a law firm, an American law firm who then turns around and hires an American research company that then contracts out with a foreign individual, that is not illegal,” McCabe emphasized.
McCabe also commended British operative Christopher Steele for informing them of his dossier because “he was so troubled.”
“The example of the Clinton campaign, it was that very foreign individual who stepped forward and provided the information he had collected to the FBI simply because he was so troubled by what he was seeing,” he said.
“Absolutely,” McCabe said of a Trump impeachment inquiry. “Chris, Im not a political person. Im not a political operative. I respect the House leadership and the fact that they maybe considering, you know, a lot of polls and political strategy in the way theyre figuring out what to do next. Thats not my business.”
Here it is boys and girls last ditch effort to save the fisa warrant.Goes something like this: if Trump does something it’s illegal but if Hillary does it it’s OK.If the left didn’t have a double standard they wouldn’t have any standards at all.
Yeah for sure. Graham makes it even harder to tell who is who.We know his history and it does not fit his actions today.
The only thing that would legitimize Grahams actions today would be if his entire Senate career mirrored by and influenced by McQueeg was a head-fake to begin with. Then it all fits.
Great post AB. I think major polling organizations outed themselves during the Trump election when they slowly turned more toward Trump as we got closer and closer to the election.They know what is really going on,who is ahead and who is not, but left wing bias colors everything they put in print or on video.
BAAR seems straight up but his history with 41 always has me on edge.
Boston ‘s Children’s Hospital did something similar to a teen from Connecticut a few years back! She was a Virtual Psychiatric Prisoner with NO Way out with a real illness, Justina Pelletier . See Nat Review
“Justina Pelletier’s ordeal”. It was absolutely SICK!
With caller ID and cell phones polling is far less accurate than it used to be. The methods Trump used through social media are likely more accurate.
Funny how "the popular vote" doesn't manifest itself as screaming supporters at RAT rallies.
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