I was born in ‘87. I’m fortunate that I was able to educate myself while I was home during most of high school, as I was too ill to attend and the school did not see fit to assign me a tutor. If they had, I might have a slightly different viewpoint.
Understanding why letting someone else take the reins is a bad idea doesn’t hit the young unless they face hardship and realize that fairness does not exist. It hit me young, and younger than many.
After finding out about my illness, I very quickly broadened my political views, and came to distrust my history teacher. She didn’t teach us much of substance. Just, “Memorize these dates and enough to pass the Constitution test,” while showing Michael Moore films as documentaries. I’m pretty sure she was glad that I was virtually never in class, because I attempts to counter her when I was.
Subversive music.....
Lynyrd Skynyrd “Sweet Home Alabama”
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird - 7/2/1977