Pretty soon the way tech censorhip is ramping, conservatives will find the dark web to be the only place left open to them for sharing ideas and free speech, along with the loathsome pedophiles and terrorists. This is what they want to do to us, silence us in the public square, make us hide and cower in the shadows like criminal scum so they can say things like ‘the dark web, a haven for conservatives, nazis, pedophiles, and terrorists’. Trump may have come too late, if so probably in my lifetime I’ll see the American experiment end in a fascist state where I’m a criminal for what I think. But I’m still hopeful that he does a little bit to turn us around and that whoever comes after him doesn’t gut his legacy like George Bush gutted Reagans.
The U.S. under one scenario, that I have read about, would end up slitting into numerous countries that are independent of each other.
This is one model that has been proposed.
Who knows what the future holds.
I hope it is a revitalized and rejuvenated America. :)
Leftists can ostracize the legitimate and then when their opponents are hiding in the shadows for dear life they can declare by fiat that their opponents are even more extreme than before.