Yeah but you got a gift for getting the word across in a layman’s way. Sometimes i have to look up some of the words lol but not that often.
God’s the ultimate teacher but he has teacher’s assistants :)
Most of them kinda suck. The ones I’ve heard through my life. Either boring as a doorknob or not educated enough to be teaching such a subject.
I don’t usually, or really EVER say this, but you kinda got a gift put putting 2000 year old words into modern terms and if all gifts come from God, he might be wanting you to share it.
But that’s just my opinion :)
And boy is it needed.
I would love to do it at the right time in the right way.
I dived into this thing with a lot of ignorance about what was going to come my way as a result. Guess what, I got faceful after faceful of Satan, which I wasn’t prepared to address with the way I used to live, by wits alone. It knocked me flat.
Above all, I need to take continual stop-worrying breaks now. Not every answer is like a microwave oven in coming. Some of them are like crock pots. But oh, the delicious feast afterwards.