I work for a oompany that had this kind of deal. We had to fill out reports showing we met the payroll requirements that were part of the deal.
In a sane world you would have lower taxes and less regulations and companies would want to come there because theres people to hire and money to save and money to make. Rising tides raise all boats. Alas NYC is not sane. Raise taxes and run business off. Ilyon NY, Remington Arms. Goodby NY hello TN. More than 100 years shot due to loss of revenue and anti- 2A attitudes. Stupid is as stupid does. NYC is the tail wagging the NY state dog. Keep voting blue Fido and enjoy your state tax deduction.
Tell that to the Tesla and Panasonic leadership. The State of New York has dumped several billion dollars into an upstate solar power project jointly managed by those two companies ... and it’s sliding into the crapper as I write this.