It's a dumpster fire, but it's a Democrat dumpster fire.
What leverage do the Democrats have? IIRC the Virginia governorship is one term only. And he's not going to be a Virginia Senator or run for President, not after this. And the Democrats don't have control of the Virginia legislature.
If thoughtcrime of 35 years ago becomes real crime today, we're far down the road to being a banana republic, and are going to need a whole lot of new jails.
Check out the link I had on this post .....
It goes to your question/comment regarding: “What leverage do the Democrats have? IIRC the Virginia governorship is one term only. And he’s not going to be a Virginia Senator or run for President, not after this. And the Democrats don’t have control of the Virginia legislature.”
The short answer is the Dems have no leverage .... they are hostage in the room with him ... he is not hostage in the room with them, so to speak. If he plays his cards right (and after the disaster press conference yesterday, I’m not sure he knows how or has the right staff to help him), they’ll make it worth his while to leave.
It is a Democrap dumpster fire, a real hot mess ... I’m beginning to run low on marshmallows & popcorn.
Shouldn’t everyone who watched Blazing Saddles be disqualified to serve in the DNC?