Look, it’s Shaun King!
Only problem with that costume is that he forgot the hands.
As to the thread, resign over that? This is why we are losing the culture war, men are not saying “so what” and “who cares, Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappell etc... made bank imitating white men, take your feelings and shove them up RuPauls’...”
Honestly, was there ever a time when this risk to his future life was a good idea?
Benefit: In his view this was a funny gag and a brought a lot of laughs that night.
Cost: no law,medical or law enforcement, teaching, political office, TV news or business career possible ever again.
LOL!! He even had the bottle in his back pocket like the real one. Just life, imitating life. What’s wrong with that? And it looks like there’s a black woman on the left side of the picture who doesn’t seem to have a problem with his costume.
Really amazing!
Honoring Lootie!
I give that a 7 on the honking hoot scale. Even the black female at far left seems amused.