Here is a list, plus pics/vids of injuries suffered by. The gilets jaunes. Over 16 deaths. Media is not reporting much of this.
Thanks for this. Will share widely.
Some of those injuries hurt just to look at. And I didn’t click on the more graphic ones. Plenty of people being hurt who aren’t even a part of the protest group, the yellow vests — they’re just sitting on a bench, trying to get to a shop, walking down their street. I don’t get the “cop” mentality here, how someone can do this to another human being, esp. an old man or woman, and then go home and sleep like it was nothing. Sadists? Are reports that some of these cops do not speak French correct? Scary.
I have people in my life that I absolutely know would be perfectly okay with me being dragged out of my home and taken to a re-education camp. They would think it was the “kind” thing to do, because I am so woefully ignorant (don’t believe in “climate change” for one) and hateful.
Jeez. I’m not easily affected by such things, but this is horrific. France is doing this to her own people? The police are throwing bricks and rocks at protesters? The elderly and children are being hurt - and before some of you say, “They shouldn’t have been protesting,” many were bystanders.
After this, no one should be surprised if there is revolution.