Smokers are paying a LOT into ‘federal money’ with the tobacco taxes!
I don’t know if you remember the period we went through when ‘they’ told us that the cigarette tax was going to pay for EVERYBODY’s health care.
People were getting ‘thrown out of offices’ and buildings and forming little groups close to the entrances/exits.
R Limbaugh suggest that we ALL thank these groups of smokers for the health care they were going to provide.
Like any other ‘hairbrained’ government idea, it sort of failed when people with some common sense started asking what would happen once the people got the word about smoking and just quit - it was then likened to putting a camera up at red light or ‘bad’ speeding location and people slowing down for the camera.
Like I said it is MY choice to ‘not allow’ you to smoke or drink or eat in MY car same as it is YOUR choice to allow it and if either you or I don’t like it, find other transportation.