N.B. It was the majority of cardinals who elected Jorge to the Chair of Peter.
A failure??
More like an unmitigated disaster.
You can’t speak ill of The Vicar of Christ!
Thank you for mentioning that.
The USCCB loves Frankie. They are proud of their socialism. Africans might be the last traditional group of Catholics.
He’s a disaster. If you cardinals had any brains in your heads, you would tell him to retire. But you don’t.
He’s no more a failure than was Obama. Both are quite successful in advancing their agendas.
“It was the majority of cardinals who elected Jorge to the Chair of Peter.”
This is what has always confounded me. How did the same group of people (ok, I’m sure it wasn’t exactly the same, but I’m sure it was mostly the same) give us Benedict and then this guy?
It is really that that undermined my faith in the Church, more even than the atrocious behavior of Francis, whom I consider a world class nincompoop. He combines the worst of worlds, imho.
These folks passing in judgment on the supposed success or failure of a pontificate make it sound like a political office. They also sound loke Protestants in their assumption they can choose not to follow the pope
Calling the pope a dictator , for intance, is fine, but not if youre part of the church that says the pope has infallible authority. Thats self contradictory. If you want to be free to disregard or dissent from the pope, you should be honest and join the Lutherans or Anglicans
As someone who knows practically nothing about the members of the present College of Cardinals, I have to ask: who would be a present-day cardinal who would both return the Church to its orthodoxy, and is electable?
Will the deck be stacked for the next iteration?
Pray and repent!
Our behavior has brought this chastisement.
So wgat?> These Czrdinals kicked out Pope Benedict to vote in this turkey. The forcing out of a decent Pope for ho reason is so9mething even a non Christian such as myself, have ever seen.