To: MuttTheHoople
They never go quietly because they have no sense of shame. Ever.
2 posted on
01/12/2019 8:02:13 AM PST by
(Make America Great Again! America First!)
To: bigtoona
And why not? The Obama appointed judge Mark Walker just said the removal of the dirty Broward election supervisor was unconstitutional! Elections and appointment of judges do matter!
42 posted on
01/12/2019 10:08:25 AM PST by
( (free speech is only good until someone else doesn't like it)
To: bigtoona
They never go quietly because they have no sense of shame. Ever.
Partner, you just hit a homerun saying that the DemonRat party never evah goes quietly since they have no sense of shame.
This is so true in today's world since the DemonRat party has no shame in reinvestigating President Trump on the Russian collusion. We already know there was no Russion Collusion yet the DemonRat party wants to use Taxpayer funded money to investigate Russian collusion.
We already know that James Comey is a DemonRat party member and worked for the Clinton foundation and became FBI director. He and Miss Hillary are responsible for the collusion theory and Mueller is also another DemonRat member that should say he is through with the investigation since he is charging us the American Taxpayer $1500.00 an hour. The DemonRat party has no shame whatsoever.
Does the DemonRat party care about the riffraff coming thru our Southern Border----Answer: Of course not!
To: bigtoona
You said it best. Disgusting.
92 posted on
01/13/2019 5:01:04 PM PST by
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