Now that it looks like the illegal aliens won’t just be passing through and they may be stuck with them, Mexico is getting serious about stopping them.
Mexico has always dealt with illegal immigration on its southern border in ways that would make the Mexican government (and its friends in the US government) scream bloody murder if the US did the same. So no, any additional Mexican efforts to secure its southern border will not stop the open borders lobby here in the US from calling those who wish to restrict the flow into the US from Mexico all sorts of names.
AMLO may be just as bad as all other Mexican Presidents in terms of expecting USA to feed and house illegals from Mexico.
But he means this. Mexicans are PISSED how Nieto let what Mexicans consider to be “lower classes” to swarm into the country.
Even the “lower class” Mexicans consider people from CA to be lower class.
AMLO is Mexico’s Trump — a populist whose message is “Mexico First.” His left turn seems to be curbed (except his expectations from the USA).
My wife is from Mexico and I have been there several times in the last few months.
It didn’t take long for the illegals to wear out their welcome in Mexico.
Well, Olga - I guess you could BUILD A WALL!
Mexico doing the job that the American Socialist Democrat Party refuses to do.