Posted on 12/30/2018 10:24:22 AM PST by hapnHal
With much debate over sanctuary cities and the amount of crime attributable to illegal immigrants, the following information has been published by NY Time reporter Sharyl Attkinson. Heres some of the information. This information analyzed was compiled from the Government Accountability Office using statistics from the FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and a state reimbursement programs.
* 1 in 5 Federal Prison inmates are criminal aliens.
* 2011-2016 more than 730,000 criminal aliens are in prison or jail.
* 2011-2016 more than 4.9 million illegal alien arrests for 7.5 million offences.
* more than 1 million in dug crimes.
* more than 663 thousand assaults, sex offences, and kidnappings.
* more than 33 thousands homicides and 1500 terrorism related crimes.
COSTS 2010 -2015 more than 15 billion (2.5 billion/year).
President Trump "BUILD THAT WALL"
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
That's just the illegal ones.
Five $ billion for a wall is to much?
“...COSTS 2010 -2015 more than 15 billion (2.5 billion/year)....”
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend. The sections below will break down and further explain these numbers at the federal, state, and local levels.
"The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder."
[[Last I read, illegal immigrants was costing us $150 billion a year.]]
That figure you cite is for direct costs only- the MSM doesn’t want you to know the impact all the indirect costs are costing this country- - illegal immigrants are costing our country well north of $500 billion dollars a year- that figure you cited was just for direct costs (ie, incarceration costs [$140 per day per illegal], lawyer fees, schooling, medical, housing etc) but there are many many incidental costs that illegals cost this country like time lost from victims and their families, therapy needed rehabilitation costs, food costs, costs in lost property, identity theft costs, illnesses brought into the country killing kids and families- rising insurance costs for both drivers and homeowners in illegal heavy areas- on and on and on it goes- these figures, as complied many years ago by reputable sources, were between $400 billion dollars and $600 billion dollars estimated- today it’s likely closer to a trillion dollars per year, every single year
Why is this article illegally attributed to the New York times?
What every one of us should be doing is getting the best numbers possible, those which can be verified through reliable sources, and sending them to Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the democrat/socialists who put illegal aliens above the needs of American citizens. If we could, we should be running commercials to get these facts disseminated as widely as possible.
I heard Nancy Pelosi claim that the wall is expensive and ineffective, neither of which is true. The $5 billion for the wall is nothing next to the increasing costs of paying for the illegal alien invasion. And an article yesterday from The Hill quoted coyotes as saying they want to traffic as many across the border now, before they are stopped by the wall. That demonstrates Pelosi’s lie, since why would the coyotes care about a wall if they are ineffective?
Now is the time for everyone to remind the politicians that they are there to serve us, not the other way around.
COSTS 2010 -2015 more than 15 billion (2.5 billion/year).
Somebody hitting the [pipe a little early?? California Spends $15 Billion Dollars Annually on Foreign Nationals in the Country Illegally, Actually Just Los Angeles County does!!!
That’s the financial cost only.
Less tangible cost is being hit by a drunken illegal that should not be here to begin with.
Or being a victim of rape by someone who should not be here to begin with.
Or murdered or robbed.
Not to mention what it does to make a mockery of the rule of law.
Thanks Bob434. I’m sure the figures I quoted by NY Times reporter Sharyl Attkisson are way outdated. The point is, the 5 Billion President Trump is requesting, is only a drop in the bucket. Democrats need to STOP their harassment of President Trump and work together.
Democrats are determined to prevent Trump building the wall because it will be his everlasting LEGACY.. bigger than any library, school, museum, airport...
Put another do tally the real cost?
Which is far less about money and more about the rights of LEGAL citizens.
I did a double take, too. No way would the Slimes publish anything like this.
2.5 billion a year? I’d bet everything I own that it’s at least 10 times higher.
Promoting Open Borders is an active and illegal effort to destroy the United States of America. Nothing else can be said. The Democrats that promote the destruction of our country, do not count as legitimate leaders, but as criminals. Will this reality ever be faced by the people of this country? I believe so, an sooner that most everybody here thinks.
A quick calculation: if a caravan of 10,000 individuals are all on welfare their whole lives at $100k each, a very conservative estimate, will cost
$1,000,000,000 or $1 billion.
Wall + Deport = Win
Black Deaths = Drugs = Mexico = Wall
How come your link says NY Times but goes to
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