Well, Trump isn’t a secessionist either. You are kind of missing my point...we sent Trump there to be something he wasn’t, without the necessary support on the inside to give him any chance of success whatsoever. What little he had was minimized when the Democrats won/stole the midterms.
Secession would be a revolutionary act. And it’s not very much more likely to happen than a revolution anyway. I don’t care what means you attempt to change the status quo - or what you call it - you aren’t going to do it the easy, simple, nice and clean way. It’s going to be extremely messy and it’s going to create tremendous chaos all around.
"The withdrawal of a State from a league has no revolutionary or insurrectionary characteristic. The government of the State remains unchanged as to all internal affairs. It is only its external or confederate relations that are altered. To term this action of a Sovereign a 'rebellion' is a gross abuse of language."
-- President Davis