This has just become another power card to try to dominate others.
Blacks have their race card.
Women have their sexist card.
We now have a power card for naïve people.
Solution? Use the phone for actually speaking to someone for a change.
See the little faggot with the earring and the make up
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire.
Now, what is the punishment for such Blasphemy? On the other side of the Coin, where is the outrage that somebody has decided to censor the work of a Musical Artist?
Remember the screams of horror when Ted Turner “colorized” some old Black and White Movies? I do. BTW- FR Spellcheck doesn't like the word "faggot" either.
> “No one wants to sit through a 4-hour lecture celebrating movies about how oppressive, racist, unfair, unjust, nasty, etc., the country is only to be subjected to a 30 second speech reinforcing the same from someone paid more for 3 weeks worth of playing make-believe than the average American earns in a year.”
PRC China.
Backdoor propaganda.
Actor A-Holes will do any sort of gig for that kind of $$$. They be Hos first.
Too right. It’s part of the orwellian notion of controlling the masses through control of language. Years ago, speech was defined as “verbal conduct” in order to selectively punish it, and crimes against property and people redefined as “expression,” to forever permit riots and violence from the left.
I noticed Kyler Murray had to apologize for his anti-gay Tweets from when he was 14, after he had won The Heisman.
This nonsense needs to stop.
Where does homosexuality lead?
Boycott the Oscars sponsors
We can't, the gates are already open and there is no one able to close them as long as the propagandist MSM holds the keys........