1 posted on
10/14/2018 7:41:12 PM PDT by
To: Olog-hai
"I want everybody to just do something for me, Heitkamp said.."Isn't heitkamp a public servant? Or does she, like all pathetic progressive's, believe the public is their servant?
To: Olog-hai
3 posted on
10/14/2018 7:48:32 PM PDT by
(GOP- 65 House and 12 Senate seat pickups in November)
To: Olog-hai
She needs to create a fake scandal.
4 posted on
10/14/2018 7:51:59 PM PDT by
(I like spelling it Lazers. It looks cooler.)
To: Olog-hai
Heinycramp will get blown out.
5 posted on
10/14/2018 7:54:58 PM PDT by
To: Olog-hai
To: Olog-hai
“bubbling with characteristic exuberance”
Oh, GAG.
7 posted on
10/14/2018 8:09:01 PM PDT by
To: Olog-hai
9 posted on
10/14/2018 9:25:41 PM PDT by
Georgia Girl 2
(The only purpose of a pistol is to fight yourr way back to the rifle you should never have dropped)
To: Olog-hai
Send HeilKampf back home.
10 posted on
10/14/2018 10:52:50 PM PDT by
To: Olog-hai
Heitkamp plans to essentially camp out in North Dakota,
VS Washington DC where she would “prefer” to spend her time.
11 posted on
10/14/2018 11:02:58 PM PDT by
To: Olog-hai
My impression is that Heitkamp is the least insane of all nationally prominent democrats (which is exactly like saying the least unpleasant among a list of deadly diseases). Am I mistaken on that? Who is the closest to Zell Miller or William Proxmire today? Who is the best of the worst?
12 posted on
10/15/2018 12:28:15 AM PDT by
("Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed")
To: Olog-hai
Hide camp has been hiding under the umbrella of pretending to be 'conservative/moderate' while voting for all things left.
Fat, dumpy, smiling bitch, kinda reminds you of your grandma, and is cooking dinner, who can hate that?
13 posted on
10/15/2018 4:08:21 AM PDT by
USS Alaska
(Nuke all mooselimb terrorists, today.)
To: Olog-hai
College students - ha! She’s down to going after the ignorant and impressionable.
To: Olog-hai
15 posted on
10/15/2018 4:29:49 AM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
(No Republican Senator should vote for any Democrat Presidents Supreme Court nominee ever again.)
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