Well put it this way, if say Vermont decided to up and leave, would I support invading them to keep Sanders and Leahy in the Senate? How could I? Price of maple syrup goes up, so be it.
I guess this doesn’t jive with my pro-union stance during the Civil war. maybe if I had lived back then I’d have been all “Let the bastards go”, who can say.
On the other hand would I spill rebel Mexifornian blood to maintain control of the port of San Diego? I would, I’d seize and occupy whatever territory I deemed necessary, a strip along the border with Mexico to prevent “flooding” which could spill over into other states. Occupy all the nice little counties in the interior (and Del Norte on Pacific coast) that wouldn’t want to secede, create “East California”.
Hawaii? Aloha, we keep the bases though. It would be funny seeing the locals attempt a Fort Sumner.
We are not there YET and you could be right it may NEVER happen but I certainly can’t rule out the left seriously considering succession if they keep losing. And if they start winning we may need to kick them out. At some point subtraction would become addition as sad as it may be.
“Europe” is “progressive” democrat majorities in Congress and the electoral college, better disunion than that. Better a military dictatorship than that. Better anything than that.
Your last paragraph is insane
Years ago, both myself and Clintonfatigued discussed the reality of expelling states. Not so far fetched now, is it?
Carve out a new state consisting of either Northern CA and/or OR. Theres your Pacific port access.
Hawaii would end up being like Guantanamo Bay - US base(s) on a Communist island state.
Barring a complete reset happening, I cant see how the country can stay together on its current course. It cant.