We are witnessing the shattering of the republic. Because one party doesn't want to accept an election on one hand, and because that party has sought to circumvent the constitution through the courts and is now seeing that plan go awry on the other hand. They have whipped their lunacic fringe (also known as their base) into a hysterical, spittle flinging rage by weaponizing all of our institutions to advance their totalitarian objectives of undermining free elections, eliminating representative control of the laws of the land, and using the power of the state to destroy their opponents.
I'm beginning to think we can't come back from this short of something big. Really big. Last time it was this "hot" in the political divide it came to a shooting war. I desperately don't want that. But the left seems to, with the ever escalating violent thuggery. God help us.
Your forgot something.
The other side is just rolling over and letting it happen.
Darkness is falling, and the GOP is playing twiddlywinks.