Of course no species suddenly mutates to another, so far as we know.
However, FRiend, you are not the authority to define what is, or is not, "evolution" or even what is or is not a "species".
Those are scientific terms and science is, by US law, in charge of their definitions, not you.
Sorry about that.
In fact, science defines "evolution" as including anything which you might call "adaption" or "micro-evolution" or even long term "genetic drift".
You personally, chuckles, don't get to rule what is, or is not, evolution.
You can of course comment on what you think is, or is not, Biblical, and in that you sound like an expert.
I'd guess your church is lucky to have you.
This of course, is predicted in Scripture. Romans 1 tells us that we would NOT acknowledge God as Creator and we will think we are wise, but have been made fools. God gives these people reprobate minds to the point they believe homosexuality is normal.( Rom 1:26-27) Now we don't even know if a boy is a girl or not, so how far is science willing to go before straight jackets are required? God says we will suppress the truth. When talking about almost any subject, the moment Scripture is mentioned, we hear, "What does that have to do with anything?" God says the proof of a Creator is all around you. Any thinking person should be able to see that any organism that is "born" needs something to eat. Did they eat rocks? If there is nothing to eat, how did it ever reproduce? How did it ever find food if it had no eyes? If it ate something, how did it know how to digest the food? We are without excuse to know that God Created the Creation. "Professing themselves wise they became fools". You said I'm not the ruler of what evolution is or isn't. I suppose you are wiser than me. If you want to believe a cow was the forerunner of a whale or vice versa, have at it. If a chicken can lay an egg and a lizard comes out, that's supposed to be "punctuated equilibrium". Wait a year or two and "All the textbooks will have to be rewritten". The Bible has never changed, yet God predicted everything that we are experiencing today. Scripture says it will be as in the days of Noah and Lot when He comes to judge the world. God hasn't repented for Flooding the planet and burning up Sodom. Yet somehow we continue to shake our fist in His face.
How many times have you had to rethink what you think? Piltdown man? Java man? How many new creatures have been built from an extinct hog's tooth? How many animals have been built from a number of animal bones collected from a scattering over a mile of dirt?
I have encyclopedias and anthropology books from the 20's and 30's, 60's up to today, and one common theme in each one is they are considered wrong today. This "theory" has changed so many times most people can't keep up with the latest tale. Even top scientists admit today that Darwinism has failed. This "shotgun" method of science just doesn't work. There are books of anomalies that disprove the latest theories, yet it is pushed endlessly until finally someone changes it to accommodate some anomaly or two. In the mean time, Nobel Prize winners at put to shame and lose their grant money if they don't rubber stamp the latest meme.
There are 'plants' on the ocean floor that pull up their roots, turn into a fishlike creature and swim away.
A caterpillar turns into a butterfly (metamorphosis- which is a way of saying it completely changes it's entire bodily structure).