Exactly. This is why Rosenstein mentioned 25th Amendment in his denial.
He’s “denying” any connection to the story, but leaves it out there as a topic.
This MoFo is plotting with the NY Times.
Also, once again confirms to me that Sessions is a traitor. Once again, his flimsy “recusal” left Rosenstein in charge at the DOJ.
MSM plans to assassinate the President ?
If they want to see CRAZY they’ll just have to look out in the street after this attempted coup.
1. Huffington Post poll says only 26% of Americans believe Ford's story is credible.
2. CNN runs a segment this morning and asks five women if they think Kavanaugh should be confirmed. The five women all say "Yes," and everyone thinks CNN has looked foolish by running with a story that doesn't match their own Democrat narrative.
CNN wasn't caught off guard. They ran the story to tell the Democrats that the sh!t ain't sticking to Kavanaugh.
Based on what?
Anyway, this whole anonymous cr@p is psyops against Trump.
The Blasey-Ford assassination attempt on the Kavanaugh nomination must be crashing and burning & hurting the Dems for the NYT to drag out this cr@p.
The American people cannot have any doubt as to who is in charge of the executive branch of government. The American people elected Donald Trump President, not Rod Rosenstein.
Apparently, the FBI and DOJ are STILL LEAKING stories to the media to get certain topics discussed such as the 25th Amendment!!!!
Go ahead. Remove him with the 25th. Then look outside your windows 2 days later. On second thought, personally, I wouldn’t stand in those windows -too- long.
And here’s how bright these 25thers are. It’s easier to simply impeach him. To impeach you need simple majority in the house, and 2/3 of Senate.
For 25th, the cabinet can remove him for a day or two. But when the President reports to Congress that he is not disabled, he is right back in the Oval Office. At that point Congress can remove him still but then it stakes 2/3 in the House AND the Senate.
Idiots. Blithering idiots. Time to buy more ammo and another sack of rice and beans.
Funny how this is starting, yet again, right around the time he demanded the release of unredacted transcripts.
Maybe they know its coming out anyway along with the DECLAS docs and they feel leaking a bit here and there may soften the impact?
“CBS News is now discussing “invoking the 25th amendment”.
And from sea to shining sea, Americans are discussing hanging CBS traitors from lampposts.