I think I can answer this question quite simply. Although, NonValueAdded sums it up as succinctly as anyone.
Conservatives live in their neighborhood. They live their lives. Don’t infringe on other people, their neighbors, everyone gets along or at the very least, is courteous to one another. They go to work. Pay their bills. The need for massive police forces are not there, low crime, people obey the law and don’t cause problems. You don’t bother me, I won’t bother you. Doesn’t mean that everyone on the block loves each other, holds hand and sings KumBaYa, but everyone knows their left and right limits. And they all live in and can maintain a civil prosperous society.
Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Communists live in their neighborhood. They infringe on other peoples lives. Want to take from others because they’re too lazy to get it themselves. Think everything is owed to them. Someone else should pay. Life is unfair. Someone should take care of me. And if you don’t think what I think, you’re racist, misogynist, phobic in every way, shape and form. They foment chaos and violence at every turn, because they cannot win w/ their ideas.
Libertarians think everyone should be able to do what they want, when they want, as long as it doesn’t infringe on another. Which is perfectly fine, with me. But what happens when it does infringe on another. Who solves the problem? Do they duel at high noon? Do they call the police and go through the courts? Something libertarians don’t think is needed.
Eventually, the Liberals, et al, look at the other side and see that everything really is, a nice house, picket fence, nice car, nice lawn, everyone getting along, no issues, and they cannot stand it. They cannot stand that those that aren’t like them, can just live their lives in peace. They demand that they get the same results, even though they don’t want the same results. That is, unless they are the celebrities, hipsters, academics and wealthy liberals that live in the most exclusive parts of our cities and states.
That is, unless they are the celebrities, hipsters, academics and wealthy liberals that live in the most exclusive parts of our cities and states.
important to add Trust Funders as they have no concept of the work it takes to create wealth - they were born with it. I knew one twenty something guy that was receiving $40K a month and had no idea what to do with the money other than keep the cash in a dresser - when he bothered to cash the check.
Therein lies the problem, Freedom is more easily demanded than granted.
That and the fact that robbers hate resisters.