If I spent all weekend on the paperwork I might make a dent. LOL!
If the “original” Direct Deposit paperwork, or the “original” child support order or student loan garnishment didn’t need to be copied to someone’s master file, I would just gather them up and put them in the shredder. I put them in the proper files when I got them, but the pile to be filed in master files is huge. I filed half a dozen today from November 2016, and I’m betting there are even some older ones. We can only do so much in the allotted time with the number of bodies we have. Some things get set aside for “when we have time”.
Lunch was great fun and relaxing. We already decided to go to Mexico in Alaska next time out. Dot’s 90th birthday was there and it was great food.
And now I am going to the living room and watch a movie and probably fall asleep.
Rest well when you get there.
They really do expect an awful lot out of the four of you and you don’t have time to do it all. There’s a job they should get a temp for ..... filing! :-)
Great fun and relaxing ... now there’s an excellent combination. Excellent timing, too, after the week you had. Glad you had a great time.
Good night and sleep well.