Find who leaked the email and fire them.
CNN and “reality” should not be mentioned in the same article.
CNN, the Communist News Network.
There are so many bad news outlets these days, it’s almost an insult to mention one vs all of them.
If the New York Times printed it, the facts are clearly the opposite.
Even their periods and commas lie.
The only reason CNN is hanging on is because of their CNN International.
Yup. Nobody in the Administration should ever tune into that channel.
I too banned CNN on the clicker, I too am raging.
Would I want the Garbage Truck to dump garbage
in my living room?
Interesting. This is just like the smear campaign they ran when Obama “banned” Fox News.
cnn should be banned from the U.S.
“......he demanded his order be obeyed that CNN not be shown on Air Force One televisions.”
He hasn’t banned anything. He just doesn’t want to hear the bolshovic coming off the screen. He’s well aware of the first amendment. He just doesn’t want to hear it. I do the same thing at home. I don’t watch their lying trash either. Am I going to be taken to task by some lowlife television idiot? I doubt it. Trump will ignore them. It’s below his class to retaliate on them.
banning CNN is NOT banning reality ... I belive we’ve nearly all of us here “banned” CNN because it is in fact nearly the opposite of reality, or as Trump biographer Conrad Black calls it, a quasi-news organization ...
So the guy with his finger on the nuclear button can’t be trusted with his own remote control? Somebody has been putting happy juice in the NYT water cooler again.
The President is in good company. We never allow CNN space in our time.
A whole lot of American “banned” CNN.
I Gots Ta Know
CNN has been COMPLETELY bogus for a very long time!!!!
I remember very well their lying propaganda during the “Kosovo War” back in 1999, and during the previous Balkan Wars of the 1990s!!!!
Over the past several decades, the New York Times has gone down the drain, too!!
Journos are our enemies! PHOOEY!!!!
hey, everyone, be sure to go post a comment at NYT, which still has comments open ...
I posted this:
“Banning CNN is NOT banning reality ... Everyone in the U.S. except a few hundred thousand have “banned” CNN because it is in fact nearly the opposite of reality, or as Trump biographer Conrad Black calls it, a quasi-news organization ... more people watch the Food Channel now than CNN ... and no wonder, everyone already knows exactly what CNN is going to say on every show, namely “We hate Trump”, and the Food Channel at least has new recipes every once in a while ...”
Can he ban CNN from airports too? — He asked hopefully
Now, if we could get CNN banned from Airport TV’s .