... he “needed to correct the record”...
Well Bye!
I don’t think Trump was going to come out of his meeting with Putin, whether he kicked or kissed Putin’s a$$, with any kind of blessing from the Bolshies. Trump is either a war monger or under Putin’s thumb.
Just watched this interview with that ridiculous clown AndWea Mitchell.
The guy is a dimwit.
Let’s see now...the nation of Mexico has millions of their nationals in our country ripping our country to shreds (who do think agitated for non-citizen voting in San Francisco?), spends ALL of its time trying to figure out new ways to re-conquer the Southwest having now taken California, has 50+ Consulates in our country that spend ALL their time interfering with our government, and Dan Coats says...NOTHING.
Worse, the SOB said Trump was an “outsider” who doesn’t understand the realities.
Jeezus. Whatta clown.
Dan Coats is part of the Deep State and needs to go.
Dan Coats is part of the Deep State and needs to go.
When DJT leaves the political scene I will never vote for a Republican again.
Every day MSNBC makes me glad our cable lineup doesn’t include them.
Trump to Dan Coates .... YOU’RE FIRED!
Coats looked like a fool when he found out about the Fall meeting being planned in Washington with Putin....a laughing and disloyal fool at that.
The president should $hit can this idiot.
Dan should run for office and show us how it’s done.
WTF is this Aspen “security” conference? ANDREA MITCHELL was the damn moderator. Why did Trump allow both Coats and Nielsen to attend this leftist, globalist farce?
If anyone is aware of the nature and extent of Russian meddling in our elections it would be Dan Coats. He needs plainly and clearly to explain the nature extent of that meddling. Did they alter the vote tally directly? Dumbass low information voters think so. I cannot believe how many people fail to distinguish and state clearly, especially those who hold public office.