Except that this was NOT a “terror attack” and has not been labeled as such by the FBI.
This was an act of mass murder by a psychopath who, dulled from reality by the anti depression medications he had been taking, was seeking one final “thrill” that his compulsive gambling and other “cheap thrill” lifestyle choices could no longer provide him.*
Nothing - ZERO - has been found to indicate any political motive - hence the attack cannot meet the legal definition of a terror attack under Federal law. The hotel will therefore not be able to invoke the liability bar provided by the same Federal law. The act of suing the victims is so repugnant that the gut feeling that I got was that they deserved to go bankrupt. In any event - a very, VERY “bad look” by the hotel.
*This circumstantial analysis, based on available evidence, was the theory voiced by Scott Adams in the days after the tragedy. I have seen nothing that sounds more credible to date.
So has the FBI given you a report or something? Maybe you could share it with the rest of us.
There are way more questions than answers about the shooting.