Agree C19fan.
I think much of the apoplexy on the left is due to the right changing behavior and fighting back. They’re absolutely unaccustomed to it and want it to stop.
Trump fights back and they sure as heck didn’t expect it, don’t know how to deal with it, and wish it would stop.
In an attempt to find a winning strategy, the left is simply fighting dirtier and more dangerously and then blaming the right for fighting back LOL.
I think they’ve made a seriously bad miscalculation. We are over it. It’s on. This is the end of the road. Buckle up.
Provocation is meant to provoke, obviously, and what the left wants is a response that would give them the excuse to go all out into violence. Giving them no response, the Bush strategy, is a waste of time; Trump is right to fight back, although sometimes I wish hed aim a little higher and get at the true problem, which is not in civility or rude speech, but the fact that they are trying to provoke a breakdown in the social order.
And the leftists have been pretty effective: theyve gotten away with riots, physical attacks on speakers they dont like, at least one shooting (the GOP baseball game), violation of civil rights by refusing service to people, criminal harassment, etc. They are never prosecuted for these things and they should be.
And of course now we find out that even our law enforcement agencies have been taken over by the left and the law itself is being twisted and used against us (the FBI campaign to elect Hillary and, when that didnt work, get rid of Trump, for example).
So I think the problem goes way beyond incivil speech, and I think that we have got to push for a return to a society of laws. The left is turning the US into a rabble-run Third World style chaos, and the laws that exist to prevent that are not being enforced. They wont stop it voluntarily, because its been allowed to go on unpunished too long.
“I think much of the apoplexy on the left is due to the right changing behavior and fighting back. Theyre absolutely unaccustomed to it and want it to stop.
Trump fights back and they sure as heck didnt expect it, dont know how to deal with it, and wish it would stop.
In an attempt to find a winning strategy, the left is simply fighting dirtier and more dangerously and then blaming the right for fighting back LOL.
I think theyve made a seriously bad miscalculation. We are over it. Its on. This is the end of the road. Buckle up.”
Hit the nail on the head.