Hi Cowboy, you hit the nail on the head. It's the media that is controlling the unhinged left. I'm all for taking down the left media. I simply can't figure out how to do so. If any of us could afford to take time off from work in order to camp at their front doors and scream expletives at them, it would make me "feel" better. Ha. How ya doing my FRiend? I think of you with a smile from time to time.
While no fan of the Koch’s in any way, shape or form, they do lean Right. They wanted to buy the Tribune Company as a way to get into the media business. They had petitions to prevent the sale.
Get a “conservative” media outlet to compete with Fox, especially if someone could land one of the major networks and things could change.
But, from reading the article(which was great) and the comments(which are great), two things come to mind...........
Everyone wants to talk about the media’s role, but no one has mentioned the brainwashing that America’s youth have undergone under the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Islamist/Communist hold over the education system. From kindergarten, all the way through college, where they really get brainwashed.
I don't think we need to do a thing. They're taking themselves down, bit by bit. They've long ago destroyed what little credibility they still had with the right, and are now working on killing their standing with moderates and even with the left.
I'm doing okay. Heading in for round one of cataract surgery in about half an hour. Up with the chickens ;-)
Hope all's good on your end.