So far, that isn't the case. The globalist leaders of almost all these countries, with certain exceptions like Trump and Orban, continue to extol multiculturalism and mass immigration. Political correctness and tribal politics still reign.
The problem is, many of them dont know what the West is (meaning they dont know it defines everything about their own lives) and they dont know who their enemies are. Thats all there is to it. Theyve been brainwashed. Im sure you probably agree at least in part.
There is no doubt that our educational system and MSM are "brainwashing" the populace. Anyone who opposes the transformation of America thru demography and our immigration policies is branded a racist. At some point, they win. Where is the outrage and resistance? We are no longer the same country demographically or culturally. We are being colonized by the Third World.
My point is, Buchanan has misread the problem. Its not a lack of will to preserve the West, its a complete cluelessness about whats going on.
We will just agree to disagree. The will to protect our patrimony is being sapped and destroyed by our leaders and elites. By 2019, half of the children 18 and under will be minorities. And each cohort that follows will be more minority than the previous one. Minorities consider themselves victims of America's racism. The Founding Fathers were racist white men. Most immigrants don't feel any identification or connection with our fore-bearers except as victims.
The most important principle here is that belief induces behavior.
The most important problem here is that beliefs have been distorted by false information.
But as individuals discover their beliefs are false and derived from manipulation and propaganda, there is a radical change in behavior.
Marx didn’t get this, neither did Alinsky. Why not? Because lying was their greatest sacrament.