No matter how many ‘Checks and Balances’ you build into the governing documents, there will always be those who subvert the system for their own ends....................................
I think it would benefit everyone if we attempted to view how FBI officials apparently view this entire confusing mess.
FBI officials view the investigation into Trump’s alleged Russia contacts during the 2016 election as a way to check the president’s power to fire them for doing the bidding of Democrats when Obama was in power. The apparent view of the FBI is that they should not be fired for doing political investigations on behalf of the previous presidential administration. The so-called Russia-gate scandal is not a coup to oust Trump as much as it is an attempt to protect the lifetime benefits and employment of top FBI officials. This is why Rosenstein and Mueller, both appointed by Republicans, are trying to find something on Trump to check his power to fire FBI agents who are asked to do political favors for politicians. But it is interesting that when Comey was given the opportunity to show his loyalty to Pres. Trump he self righteously refused, claiming Trump was obstructing justice. So is the FBI politicized only to benefit the Democrat Party but not Republican? The so-called Swamp is a network of self-protecting bureaucrats who believe they are impervious to being investigated themselves and are not accountable for actions to do political bidding. Bureaucrats view job security as their highest priority over anything else because their benefits and power are viewed as a personal property right that should not be taken away.
Exactly. Which makes you realized the power of a document (The US Constitution) which attempts to take the corruptible nature into account, rather than assume everyone will treat others as they would like to be treated, and work towards the common good!