Jesus would not want buggery in our Army.
Agreed. And I did my duty under the law and policy regarding homosexual behavior by personnel under my command.
I even had one young married man come to me on open door policy and declare he was gay. Peeling back the onion he had gotten drunk, woke up in bed with some guy, knew that something bad occurred and decided he was gay... After a few sessions with Chaplain Marsh ( LtCdr, USN) he was convinced that rather than being gay ( he loved his wife and wanted to have sexual relations with her, despised the thought of homosexual contact), that he was victimized by a pervert who took advantage of his drunkenness.
I told him was right. I told him to choose his friends and activities carefully, as every choice has consequences. Only go out with your wife and only take her to places that are safe. He wound up being a great Soldier.