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As always, soliciting FReeper comments, observations, and opinions on the shows.
1 posted on 06/03/2018 4:30:04 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
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To: acapesket; A.Hun; aligncare; altura; bagster; Bernard; bray; BreezyDog; Calpublican; cajungirl; ...
This is the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread Ping List! If you want to be on it, reply to this post or FReepmail me (in case I miss it). If you want to be taken off, simply send me a FReepmail.
2 posted on 06/03/2018 4:30:46 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (
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To: Alas Babylon!

Not too bad a day. Lots of Larry Kudlow,Kevin McCarthy and Rudy,I can live with that.
Elsewhere showing what a fool he really is in the comments section of Clarices piece.

6 posted on 06/03/2018 4:39:58 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Home of the free because of the brave! MAGA!!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Ah geez! It’s that KaSICK guy again!

8 posted on 06/03/2018 4:47:01 AM PDT by Road Warrior ‘04 (Molon Labe! Oathkeeper)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Big T-storms yesterday afternoon with 2 close lightning strikes. The result is no cable TV although we still have internet & voice. I have a very elderly parent (95 with advanced heart failure) who can’t do much except watch TV so things are not ‘happy’ around here this morning. Somehow, I got lucky yesterday - got through to a cable company agent in less than 5 minutes & when we couldn’t get the cable working & needed a tech call, she elevated the call so we could get someone out today instead of next Tuesday. There are still some good people in this world.

I don’t need cable as long as I have the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread - thanks, AB.

9 posted on 06/03/2018 4:49:52 AM PDT by Qiviut (Obama's Legacy in two words: DONALD TRUMPIt)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Wow, not a Democrat love fest. could it be that the media is beginning to cover itself for the release of the IG report?

11 posted on 06/03/2018 4:54:49 AM PDT by norwaypinesavage (The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones.)
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To: Alas Babylon!


Both Juan Williams and Marie Harf are slated to be on FNC panel this morning.

13 posted on 06/03/2018 4:58:13 AM PDT by be-baw (still seeking...)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Dear NBC, who the F cares what Idiot Prime Minister Justin Trudeau thinks? Americans don’t...

17 posted on 06/03/2018 5:11:30 AM PDT by Deplorable American1776 (Proud to be a DeplorableAmerican with a Deplorable Family...even the dog is, too. :-))
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To: Alas Babylon!
Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.

Keep an eye on Mnjohnnie for a red state perspective on things.

Tuesday Date-5/29/18

Yesterday in this year of 2018 was Memorial Day.

The music played on Fox and Friends was very moving and celebrations were upon.

But the weather was crappy and here by the seashore, holidays are not often much fun.


Help me out…..Cindy McCain is going to take John's place once he….eh, is out of the picture?

Rumor is rampant that the Governor of Arizona, currently a Republican, will appoint Cindy to replace John.

Let's not pretend. I can't stand John McCain and know that he is nowhere near the hero the lies make him out to be.

But the Ruling Class, which the McCains are very much members of, believe they should keep all positions of power in the family.

This will be very interesting.


As of this writing the meeting between President Trump and Kim Jung-Un of North Korea seems to still be on.

I'd like to see it happen but oh won't the libs get bent when another Trump success hits them in the face?

Wednesday Date-5/30/18

Roseann and Starbucks


First of all, I do not like Valerie Jarrett and I know that's she's the one who governed and controlled the Obamas.

But Roseann Barr said she was the result of some kind of mating between the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.

Well ABC terminated the new and upcoming Roseanne show.

Which I think was a bit much in that the woman did apologize and plenty of others have cast nasty aspersions upon other folk, publicly and meanly. The football guys, none of them got fired.

But, but, but, but….I am not defending Roseanne Barr. Goodness but there's plenty to bring up about Valjar but her looks.

Frankly she's a very well-coiffed, nicely dressed and attractive woman. I don't get that thing about Planet of the Apes. I do know that Jarrett is half black but …so? Why did Barr have to bring that up?

No, I don't think she should have gotten her show cancelled over the flap but in no way is Barr in the right on this one.


Explain to me please, this Starbucks thing.

Yes I do quite like Starbucks coffee although it's generally out of my price range.

Caramel Macchiato….yeah, that's the ticket.

But they closed down the business on what should be a very busy, money-making day, to send their employees to some kind of class on racism?

I suppose it's a noble endeavor but dumb as all get out. Yes, perhaps lessons at the point of hiring on sensitivity of racial, cultural, social differences.

But this big nothing-burger action to get publicity is just dumb.

Thursday Date-5/31/18

Wow, in the midst of all this FBI inserting spies in political campaigns I must ask, is anyone paying attention to that amazing volcano in Hawaii?

I saw one pic, coulda been a photoshop, that warned people not to roast marshmallows over the volcano. Do people really do that?

Anyway, that thing has been erupting for weeks now, fire, red hot lava, black lava, creepy crawling destruction.

I read somewhere that volcanos cause more air quality destruction than anything else on this planet, including mankind.

I sure believe it.


I just can't believe anybody could say anything so stupid as that dumb remark by Roseanne Barr. What the hell was she thinking?

Oh, wait. She was taking Ambien?

What the hell is Ambien and why are people taking it if it makes them say and do stupid things?

Part of me believes (just a small part), that maybe Roseanne Barr was a set up. Sent to star in a weekly show presenting average people struggling with life in a Trump world, suddenly she says something so unforgiveable that she loses her show and all Trump supporters will somehow, some way, be held responsible.

I hope I'm wrong.


Heh, how about the Obamas running Netflix?

They assure us that their shows will not put emphasis on politics.


Yeah right.


 photo pelosiandmonkey_zpsmcdq1mya.jpg

Friday Date-6/1/18

As if the celebrities don't say and spread nasty things. Then there's that Bee woman calling Ivanka a nasty name, begins with a C.


But first, let us establish that Gowdy is one of the most handsome of congress critters.

And he comes up, by nature or design, as a rough and tough. Yet he seems to change his tune every other day.

This week Gowdy declares that the FBI did the right thing by planting an informant inside the political campaign of a presidential contender.

I wonder if Gowdy would have thought it just fine if the FBI planted a spy in HIS campaign.

Thing to do with Gowdy, who Rush declares is looking for a Fox gig, is to ignore him. Whatever he says at the moment of watching will change the next week.


My all time favorite show, "America's Got Talent" premiered this week.

Proving, as I declare, that Americans have too much money and time on their hands.

But this week, folks, they had trained cats! Who in the world can train a cat?

There were cats jumping through hoops, climbing poles, jumping rope.


Though I don't see such an act winning this thing, I am very impressed.


Scuttlebutt is that the North Korean meeting is going along smoothly, that the upcoming Singapore meeting in June seems to still be on.

Trump and Kim Jun-Un will be exchanging letters, as I understand, tomorrow.

That should be interesting.

Saturday Date-6/2/18

Insults, apologies, and social media.


Give it time folk, and we will soon be governing ourselves.

Sure, social media brings along its demons. But as it is now, there are no rules that follow any kind of fair pattern.

Roseanne Barr remarks about a presidential advisor's appearance that supposedly resembles a Planet of the Apes character.

Her hit show is cancelled by ABC, urged on by Michelle Obama but that's just a rumor.

Some nitwit comedian calls Ivanka Trump a "C" word, four letters.

Ladies and yon gems, what the hell did Ivanka Trump ever do to anyone? The comedian, Samantha Bee or some such, was only remarking on a picture of Ivanka with her little boy.

And she calls her the "C" word?

Samantha Bee is not losing her TV show, and even got an award after that awful remark.

Since congress is unable to come up any rules against such profane public discourse, give it time. Social media will do the job.

Might be about bombing somebody's mailbox. A simple boycott of a sponsor. Thousands of Facebook posts.

Because folks, a business like Starbucks cannot control our society and for sure the politicos need to all be shot.

They make fun of social media but in due course, we'll take over our own culture.

Might take a few tries and some mistakes, but surely we won't be worse than the Deep State, the Hollywood Elite and the politicians.


North Korea in again

All kinds of prestige about as a big shot North Korean head came to the White House.

Private letters were exchanged.

The upshot of it all….the meeting scheduled in June is back on!

Making America Great Again!!

18 posted on 06/03/2018 5:12:10 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Alas Babylon!


26 posted on 06/03/2018 5:35:15 AM PDT by foreverfree
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To: Alas Babylon!
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Wrong Canadian. I guess Samantha Bee was too busy to accept an offer to appear. And since it's a Sunday Morning show, that means Monsieur Trudeau can get home before curfew.

33 posted on 06/03/2018 5:53:46 AM PDT by Bernard (The only Fair Tax is the Tax that Taxes You and not Me.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Kudlow and Guiliani, great. Trudeau is good for some laughs.

37 posted on 06/03/2018 6:07:10 AM PDT by Rummyfan (In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Wow FNC just ran a tweet from Trump where he explained the trade imbalances worldwide. In cars alone China charges a 25% tariff on our cars coming into the country and we charge only 2.5%. This has to end. No president has had the guts to call the world on the imbalance but Trump.He is absolutely correct in doing so.

45 posted on 06/03/2018 6:29:44 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Home of the free because of the brave! MAGA!!)
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To: Alas Babylon!; All

Sharyll is on now!

47 posted on 06/03/2018 6:33:06 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Home of the free because of the brave! MAGA!!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Larry Kudlow on with Wall ass trying to explain why Trump is trying to repair unfair trade with the world. Wall ass doesn’t want to hear it only interested in latest chatting points and more gotcha questions.

48 posted on 06/03/2018 6:35:31 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Home of the free because of the brave! MAGA!!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Devin Nunes just said that he is disappointed that the mythical IG Report has been delayed for another week and he fears that it means the lawyers are watering it down.

I am so sick of this........It was supposed to be released in January......then next month ....then the middle of the month .....then towards the end of the month.....rinse/repeat

75 posted on 06/03/2018 7:42:59 AM PDT by scfirewall
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To: Alas Babylon!

Devin Nunes just said that he is disappointed that the mythical IG Report has been delayed for another week and he fears that it means the lawyers are watering it down.

I am so sick of this........It was supposed to be released in January......then next month ....then the middle of the month .....then towards the end of the month.....rinse/repeat

76 posted on 06/03/2018 7:43:03 AM PDT by scfirewall
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To: Alas Babylon!

PM Trudeau says Canada is “doing well”. It is not. Just spent a week on BC’s Vancouver Island. Many people are out of work and they are very angry with PM Trudeau. Many expressed admiration for President Trump. However, the academics I was with at this science conference, did not. Their focus was POTUS’s climate change policies and his isolationism. The President was “ruining all the good work Obama did.” The news media there simply parrot the US media and there is no investigative journalism.

106 posted on 06/03/2018 8:22:42 AM PDT by pugmama (Ports Moon.)
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