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To: otness_e
"I’m still not sure about MLK, to be honest. Even if he WERE to lie about being a Communist, why would he fully acknowledge that Communism and Christianity are incompatible in that speech? I’ve seen plenty of so-called “Christians” who, without obviously stating they’re communists (or likely still communists in one case), nonetheless specifically indicating they are compatible, like Vladimir Putin, or Pope Francis, or, heck, the whole Liberation Theology racket that’s been going around. MLK didn’t even NEED to state that Communism and Christianity were incompatible, which is a pretty solid truth there, and if anything would destroy any chance of Communism taking his movement."

Because MLK was a leftist, and leftists usually lie. It makes perfect sense to me that he might publicly claim one thing (a negative) about Communism to try to deceive the naïve that he wasn't "one of them." As I said, when it comes to left-wingers, the way to tell if they're lying is when their lips are moving.

"Yeah, no kidding about that. Heck, he’s the first president to actually have his affairs be made public, which PJMedia even noted basically destroyed an entire generation’s innocence. And they say Nixon represented pure evil, even though the Watergate break-in (which was done without his knowledge) is peanuts compared to what vile stuff the Clintons have done, even BEFORE entering the White House."

Watergate was absolutely nothing. FDR was bugging his opponents 3-4 decades before Nixon. Watching the ultraleft media lose their $hit over it was just hysterical. The real crime during Clintoon was ChinaGate, which was never fully investigated (selling nuclear secrets to the Chinese military for campaign contributions). Those involved should've been executed for that level of treason.

"Actually, there would be: It would ensure God fully lives by his omnipotent and omniscient abilities. An omnipotent and omniscient person, after all, cannot be restrained, and free will actually restrains someone technically more powerful than you."

Well, we can't know for sure what His plans are. It's His universe and we're just living in it.

"True, prohibition did expand their scope beyond what was there before, but they still wouldn’t have liked anyone who encroached on their territory and stopped any activities, regardless of whether prohibition continued or not. I know they definitely had enough hatred of the Untouchables to want them dead, even successfully killed one of them if I recall correctly. They could have easily tried to kill any of the presidents for interfering with their operations in any way, or in FDR’s case, rendering their operations useless by repealing it. But they never did. Heck, the mafia didn’t like Nazis, and I’m pretty sure they’d hate Communists even more."

Well, Nazis and Communists would interfere with their business model. But as I said, to openly assassinate a President on their behalf would've brought an end to the mafia. The government and the public simply would not have tolerated that, and both would've sought their complete extermination. The mafia would never have been stupid enough to do that (at least pre-JFK).

"Either way, it still doesn’t explain why the KGB, heck, the Central Communist Party of the USSR, even, orchestrated an entire disinformation campaign called “Operation Dragon” specifically to deflect blame onto various people barring obviously themselves, such as right-wingers, CIA, fascists, oil barons, heck, even LBJ, if they genuinely had nothing to do with the death? Only gain I’d see is if they wanted to deflect guilt."

All we can do is speculate, since we will never know for sure. But it is remarkable how many people wanted JFK dead and how so many of these theories can be considered plausible.

"Ugh... dang it. Wasn’t aware of that bit when I elected him. Unfortunately, if I didn’t vote, I effectively would vote Obama back into office anyway. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Still surprised that he even bothered to put Paul Ryan as his running mate, when he could have used Condie instead, who unlike Ryan IS pro-choice."

Although Condi Rice seemed to be an impressive individual, I probably disagreed with her on so many things. Obviously on social policies, though my concern is that she was an Arabist and anti-Israel. That was a serious problem in both Bush regimes.

"Well, we could wipe out the mohammadians and let the Coptic Christians have power. Besides, a large part of the problem with the Middle East had to do with Carter bungling it with Iran. And honestly, the only reason I’d consider nation-building is mostly because we made the mistake of not doing that and leaving Afghanistan to its own devices after driving out the Soviets, which let bin Laden basically take control (and no, he was never aided by us. The 9/11 commission report makes it very clear that he got his materiel independently)."

Carter's bungling didn't help, but let's face it, this crap's been going on there for 1,400 years. Of course, if you wiped out the Mohammadans in the Middle East, that would clear out over 90% of the population or more. Not a practical solution. I think a method similar to Ataturk's would begin to turn those nations back to sanity. Sadly, the lunatic in charge of Turkey, Erdogan, has eradicated all of Ataturk's movements to make it a more secular nation.

"Hey, I’m just going by what the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s said about it. At least symbolically, there was a pretty good argument to get to the moon. And if leftist senators were responsible for gutting any further plans, then shame on them. Heck, Obama practically gutted it to such an extent that it’s acronym is basically in name only and we were pretty much forced to piggyback off the Russians to get to space. I don’t know if Trump undid that from Obama, though."

Well, Trump has created that new Space Force, although it's really just on paper. We're decades away, if not longer, from viability.

"I’d probably call Lindsay second-worst, tied with Dinkins, to be honest. As bad as he was, at least he wasn’t an explicit Communist unlike de Blasio (I consider communists to be far worse than non-communists automatically, knowing what they’re like)."

Dinkins was just disinterested in managing a problem that had gotten so far out of control. He preferred to spend his time out at Forest Hills and the tennis courts all the while over 2,000 murders were occurring per year in the city. He didn't, however, create the problem. Lindsay, conversely DID create the problem of rapid decay and decline and an explosion of crime and championed policies that took things from fixable to horrible and chased the middle class out of the city. It would've required active work on behalf of Dinkins to achieve such a feat, he was simply too lazy and bored. This was active work by Lindsay to socially engineer the left-wing madness.

"And honestly, Jeffrey Katzenberg literally backed that guy, quit college to work on his campaign even when he proved to be the absolute worst you could promote as a candidate for the Democrat party short of being an explicit communist, and then as soon as Disney got an actual hit in the form of The Little Mermaid (on a side note, I’m definitely glad that the staff for that movie didn’t allow him to cut out Ariel’s Part of Your World song, because that would have been an utter disaster for the film, made those false complaints about Ariel only going for Eric a bit closer to the truth), he decided to really crank up leftism, in particular radical feminism in Beauty and the Beast, all to placate left-wing reviewers who complained about Ariel being “cloyingly sexist” despite genuinely being a badass and still wanting to actually be with a man she loves, and made BATB into an in name only adaptation, having far less commonality with its source material than TLM did for its source material (TLM at least changed the ending somewhat, while BATB is practically a completely different tale from the original, either of the two originals.), even hiring that Feminazi hack Linda Woolverton to make the movie. In other words, altered BATB all for the sake of pushing an agenda onto kids. And that’s not even getting into his later donation to American Priorities and making it clear he did so to sabotage Republican efforts in response to their being elected in 2010, or heck, his little hissy-fit when Clinton lost in 2016 about ideologues and “getting back in the game”. I’d even argue that Katzenberg is far more to blame for Disney going far left than even the likes of Michael Eisner ever was (believe it or not, Eisner actually LIKED Jim Cox’s rendition of Beauty and the Beast which was fairly close to the original tale overall, even called him to personally congratulate him and request a full-fledged screenplay. It was Katzenberg who canned that rendition. This info was in the Art and Making of Beauty and the Beast book from what I gather.)."

You obviously aren't a fan. ;-D I'm glad Uncle Walt didn't live long enough to see leftists ruin his creation. :-(

"Yeah, definitely would have been much better, overall. Don’t know about no 9/11, though. If we continued to let Osama bin Laden have his air time, we’d probably would still get it."

A Laxalt Administration (1989-97) quite probably would've removed the bin Laden cancer, especially after the initial '93 WTC bombings in NYC. Even Shrub couldn't manage that, and assuming Zero even did so, he was so meticulous about protecting the sanctity of Osama's Mohammadan beliefs about burial (because, yeah, Zero was NEVER a Mohammadan... right).

"There really needs to be a way to restrain them to not override their wishes unless it’s stuff that actually WOULD be a detriment (ie, if the people try to enact a law allowing for a Purge-scale holiday)."

Swift removal from office. Of course, Dems would manage to swiftly remove GOP judges, and we'd never get a Dem judge removed. You know how THAT goes.

"Yeah, and then there’s the fact that I had a History teacher back in sophomore year by the name of Andrew Sullivan (no, he is not related to the ABC news correspondent in any way), who often tried to push his anti-Catholic, heck, anti-Christian rhetoric on us, even singing praises for the French Revolution and comparing it to the American War of Independence (ironically, the Reign of Terror he expressed disgust at, mostly because he thought Robespierre was an idiot). That whole thing nearly cost me my Confirmation. Good thing it didn’t."

It would've been civil war if I were in a classroom with a leftist indoctrinator. The older I got, the angrier I got in dealing with that.

"Yeah, it’s very much a problem there. The teachers demand nothing but 100% praise and aren’t tolerant of even any valid criticism. Unfortunately, I’m not even sure if parents can even do that now, not when several generations have been brainwashed with this crap. Heck, Oppenheimer was a nuclear physicist and he managed to become a Communist during the 1930s or even 1940s."

Parents that care tend to take their child out of the system completely. Eventually, I took myself out of it by the 8th grade. The stress was destroying my health and I was learning nothing. I had a home school teacher for the 5 remaining years (one for two years, another for the last three). I never stopped studying politics/culture, etc., from that time onwards. Even though I never set foot in a college classroom, I've done more studying on the subject than most who have a PhD. It's why I tend to cringe when asked, "What's the highest level of education attained ?" I did an extra year of schooling (14 instead of 13 years) and then how do you add 25 additional years of daily learning on the aforementioned subjects ? High school tends to equal "average/subpar" intelligence, i.e. the great unwashed masses. A Democrat ex-Congressman from Chicago deemed me to be a historian (even if I don't have the degree or accreditation). I corresponded with hundreds of ex members of Congress in the '90s and '00s. I reviewed every short biography of every person to have ever served, election figures, even wrote up countless spreadsheets which listed every member going back to the Continental Congress. If I had the available info, I was even going to do so for state legislators, though would be a massive undertaking. I doubt many have come close to doing that.

"You probably should mention Philip Kaufman as well, since he helped write that storyline for Raiders."

He was the one responsible for turning "The Right Stuff" into a 3-hour campaign ad for John Glenn for President in 1984 (the same Glenn who was paid off for covering up the Clintoons crimes in ChinaGate and given another ride into space).

"Yeah, agreed regarding destroying evil. Rand Paul, who’s a bit more reasonable than his father, did make it very clear that there is an actual provision to undoing Roe v. Wade, proving that a fetus is in fact alive, separately from the mother, so unless they wish to recuse themselves, I would suggest to those guys that they look at the evidence and vote pro-life, regardless of their personal views."

Too much a high holy sacrament to the left. Don't want ugly, fat, tatted-up harridans rushing your office screaming, "MUH Body ! MUH Choice !" As if they're in any imminent danger of having sex with males and becoming pregnant.

"Agreed. We can’t even hope to simply have them secede, anyway, considering that people like Bob Iger and Jeffrey Katzenberg will just move out and continue their crap at New York, or heck, having George Clooney move back to Kentucky and spew his crap there. Sure, it might prevent California-born people like George Lucas from spewing their crap, but those who moved from other states will just move back to them without issue. And that state definitely needs not just a wall, but also an actual viable Voter ID law."

Oh, yeah, I'd love to see Clooney and his Mohammadan wife (beard ?) abandon his villa estate in Lake Como (where he was complaining about "the rabble") to move back to Kentucky. Even his dad couldn't fool the rubes into electing him in the district he and his sister, Rosemary, were born in.

119 posted on 11/05/2018 1:45:26 PM PST by fieldmarshaldj ("It's Slappin' Time !")
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To: fieldmarshaldj

“Because MLK was a leftist, and leftists usually lie. It makes perfect sense to me that he might publicly claim one thing (a negative) about Communism to try to deceive the naïve that he wasn’t “one of them.” As I said, when it comes to left-wingers, the way to tell if they’re lying is when their lips are moving.”

I know, but the problem is, stating that Christianity and Communism are incompatible would be a bad way to lie about it since that’s actually far closer to the truth, whether you’re left wing or otherwise. I’ve unfortunately seen plenty of Communists who have actually pretended that they are compatible, like Pope Francis, Vladimir Putin (for goodness sakes, he actually compared the Communist Manifesto the 10 Commandments, not to mention Lenin’s relics to Christian relics, said this very recently I should add, among other things.), heck, the entire “Liberation Theology” movement for that matter, which actually was started by the KGB. Had I been in MLK’s position, been a communist, and tried to lie to people to adopt its policies, one thing I wouldn’t even DARE try is claim that Christianity and Communism are incompatible, because the moment I say that, doesn’t matter how hard I try to sell Communism by any form of lies, I basically destroyed my own argument for getting people into Communism the very minute I claimed the two cannot work together. Shot myself in the foot in other words.

“Watergate was absolutely nothing. FDR was bugging his opponents 3-4 decades before Nixon. Watching the ultraleft media lose their $hit over it was just hysterical. The real crime during Clintoon was ChinaGate, which was never fully investigated (selling nuclear secrets to the Chinese military for campaign contributions). Those involved should’ve been executed for that level of treason.”

Fully agreed there. Nixon definitely didn’t deserve THAT kind of witch hunt (heck, he wasn’t even the guy who ordered for the breakin and if anything he didn’t even know it occurred until AFTER the fact). If anything, that kind of treatment DEFINITELY should have been reserved for the Clintons, at a bare minimum.

“Well, we can’t know for sure what His plans are. It’s His universe and we’re just living in it.”

Maybe. Still not sure overall. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely know he exists, and I must serve him. But even still...

“Well, Nazis and Communists would interfere with their business model. But as I said, to openly assassinate a President on their behalf would’ve brought an end to the mafia. The government and the public simply would not have tolerated that, and both would’ve sought their complete extermination. The mafia would never have been stupid enough to do that (at least pre-JFK).”

Actually, that rationale is EXACTLY why they would not have tried to assassinate JFK, especially not when they have nothing to gain from it (even if they do get away with the murder, they’d still have to contend with the likelihood that the Soviets would further encroach on their territory). They may be evil, but they’re certainly not stupid.

“All we can do is speculate, since we will never know for sure. But it is remarkable how many people wanted JFK dead and how so many of these theories can be considered plausible.”

I don’t know about speculating, at least in regards to the Soviets: Ion Mihai Pacepa has indicated he did have a pretty big role in the whole Operation Dragon disinformation campaign, and the Mitokyn Archives that got leaked to Britain did corroborate his claims. Heck, he even found, and documented, quite a bit of stuff in LHO’s belongings that pointed to him at the very least being under the KGB’s employ.

“Although Condi Rice seemed to be an impressive individual, I probably disagreed with her on so many things. Obviously on social policies, though my concern is that she was an Arabist and anti-Israel. That was a serious problem in both Bush regimes.”

I know. In fact, the social issues, in particular her support for abortion, is exactly why I would not have supported Mitt Romney if he used her as his running mate.

“Carter’s bungling didn’t help, but let’s face it, this crap’s been going on there for 1,400 years. Of course, if you wiped out the Mohammadans in the Middle East, that would clear out over 90% of the population or more. Not a practical solution. I think a method similar to Ataturk’s would begin to turn those nations back to sanity. Sadly, the lunatic in charge of Turkey, Erdogan, has eradicated all of Ataturk’s movements to make it a more secular nation.”

I’ll be honest with you... I’m not exactly fond or trusting of a more secular nation in the Middle East. As far as I can tell, making it more secular will just make it more of a USSR type region, or, heck, even France currently where they persecute Christians and are atheist in all but name. I won’t settle for anything except for a Christian-dominated Middle East (Coptic Christian at the very least). Sure, maybe it would get rid of the yoke the Muslims had if we made it more secular, make the Muslims weaker, but then again, we made the same mistake with the Buddhists in the Vietnam War where we basically capitulated to their demands on getting rid of Diem and that led directly to them basically letting Marxism into Vietnam anyway.

“Well, Trump has created that new Space Force, although it’s really just on paper. We’re decades away, if not longer, from viability.”

Yeah, we definitely need more viability there. Hopefully when that program becomes viable, we might have our own “Imperial Navy” from Star Wars (after Lucas’s infamous revelation that the Rebels were Vietcong members and the Empire were Americans, I definitely don’t intend to root for the Rebel Alliance anymore).

“Dinkins was just disinterested in managing a problem that had gotten so far out of control. He preferred to spend his time out at Forest Hills and the tennis courts all the while over 2,000 murders were occurring per year in the city. He didn’t, however, create the problem. Lindsay, conversely DID create the problem of rapid decay and decline and an explosion of crime and championed policies that took things from fixable to horrible and chased the middle class out of the city. It would’ve required active work on behalf of Dinkins to achieve such a feat, he was simply too lazy and bored. This was active work by Lindsay to socially engineer the left-wing madness.”

I know, but the problem is neither of those two were openly communist, even if left-wing, while de Blasio is in fact a communist, and those guys are infinitely worse. Heck, de Blasio has actually made anti-cop rhetoric in the city, even refusing to attend a wake.

“You obviously aren’t a fan. ;-D I’m glad Uncle Walt didn’t live long enough to see leftists ruin his creation. :-( “

Yeah, I’m definitely no fan of Jeffrey Katzenberg, since he contributed more than anyone save for maybe Bob Iger for turning Disney into a left-wing enterprise. In fact, even though I’m not much of a fan of Michael Eisner either, I am nonetheless thankful that he at least fired that jerk after Pocahontas’s failure, even if it WAS for purely selfish reasons (in fact, my only complaint regarding his firing Katzenberg was that he took as long as he did to do that. If you ask me, he should have been fired after screwing up Black Cauldron with his “10 minute cuts”). And besides, at least Michael Eisner attempted to continue Walt’s legacy until his breakdown (his distasteful involvement in the creation of Gay Days nonwithstanding), while the likes of Katzenberg and Iger went out of their way to disrespect him from the get-go. Probably the only Disney Renaissance films during his tenure that I’m still a fan of: The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, and technically Toy Story, happen to be films where he had very minimal involvement. I hope for the day that Disney, to quote Trump, is made great again, gotten closer to Walt Disney’s vision. And quite frankly, after dealing with a horrible World History professor in College who claimed women couldn’t get an education or even be literate until they “took power” on the campuses during the 1960s, I’m not fond of Belle due to her and her film effectively pushing a similar claim, how she’s an outcast in the village due to her being literate, a bookworm even (and besides, seeing how Sartre despite his reputation fell for a mass-murdering psychopath makes me unsure whether Belle has any discernment, especially when she doesn’t come across as Christian, or even marrying into it via Adam in the film.).

“A Laxalt Administration (1989-97) quite probably would’ve removed the bin Laden cancer, especially after the initial ‘93 WTC bombings in NYC. Even Shrub couldn’t manage that, and assuming Zero even did so, he was so meticulous about protecting the sanctity of Osama’s Mohammadan beliefs about burial (because, yeah, Zero was NEVER a Mohammadan... right).”

Yeah, I hope you’re right. The last thing we need is something like 9/11.

“Swift removal from office. Of course, Dems would manage to swiftly remove GOP judges, and we’d never get a Dem judge removed. You know how THAT goes.”

Yeah, I know that. Really wish there was a way to ensure that there aren’t any way that people don’t do loopholes to keep leftists in while purge conservatives. Sheesh, this is about as bad as the Complete Monster trope nominations on TV Tropes (when someone like Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty isn’t even considered a Complete Monster despite the fact that she’s explicitly the mistress of all evil, you know the trope is utterly broken.).

“It would’ve been civil war if I were in a classroom with a leftist indoctrinator. The older I got, the angrier I got in dealing with that.”

Yeah, I know. Unfortunately, I have to worry about getting good grades, and it didn’t help that a libertarian teacher in Middle School (one of my better teachers, I’ll admit) made it sound as though you needed to keep learning in order to avoid getting alzheimers, and the only way I could conceive of continuing to learn was to continue school, so I had to take in whatever is in it. I eventually learned otherwise in College, from the same teacher. I still try to learn everything I can, many times in the hope of finding a way to undo the legacy of the French Revolution and the Enlightenment (I have a personal investment in that because that was pretty much the start of atheist persecution of Christians.).

“Parents that care tend to take their child out of the system completely. Eventually, I took myself out of it by the 8th grade. The stress was destroying my health and I was learning nothing. I had a home school teacher for the 5 remaining years (one for two years, another for the last three). I never stopped studying politics/culture, etc., from that time onwards. Even though I never set foot in a college classroom, I’ve done more studying on the subject than most who have a PhD. It’s why I tend to cringe when asked, “What’s the highest level of education attained ?” I did an extra year of schooling (14 instead of 13 years) and then how do you add 25 additional years of daily learning on the aforementioned subjects ? High school tends to equal “average/subpar” intelligence, i.e. the great unwashed masses. A Democrat ex-Congressman from Chicago deemed me to be a historian (even if I don’t have the degree or accreditation). I corresponded with hundreds of ex members of Congress in the ‘90s and ‘00s. I reviewed every short biography of every person to have ever served, election figures, even wrote up countless spreadsheets which listed every member going back to the Continental Congress. If I had the available info, I was even going to do so for state legislators, though would be a massive undertaking. I doubt many have come close to doing that.”

Must admit, I’m actually impressed with your resume there.

“He was the one responsible for turning “The Right Stuff” into a 3-hour campaign ad for John Glenn for President in 1984 (the same Glenn who was paid off for covering up the Clintoons crimes in ChinaGate and given another ride into space).”

Ugh... great. I also heard he was responsible for the Pod People remake (you know, the one where the kid when seeing his “mom” in bed witnesses her just deflate like someone who was denied any form of water for prolonged periods of time, rather than her simply “waking up” and showing she wasn’t herself anymore from her eyes.). Well, that’s actually a very good reason not to buy any of his films (heck, even without that, Lucas’ table reads for Raiders of the Lost Ark basically ruined the film [to say little of how the ending effectively gave me a deeply disturbed view of God], especially considering the implication that God actually spared a pedophile as a result of what Lucas, Spielberg, and Kasdan were talking about. I’m sorry, but even during that period of time the film took place, him having a romantic relationship with an underaged child like Marrion Ravenwood would have been frowned upon at the very least. And I’m pretty sure pedophiles are about AS bad as the Nazis, at the very least.).

“Too much a high holy sacrament to the left. Don’t want ugly, fat, tatted-up harridans rushing your office screaming, “MUH Body ! MUH Choice !” As if they’re in any imminent danger of having sex with males and becoming pregnant.”

All I can say to them is “So, you want to chop your own limbs off and/or engage in BDSM that leaves you with extensive scarring? After all, if you adhere to “your body, your choice”, you shouldn’t have any problem scarring yourselves.” And quite frankly, scarring, amputating, or mutilating oneself by their own choice would come far closer to that phrase than abortion, since at least THAT actually is their own body unlike the unborn which isn’t actually a body part but a developing lifeform.

“Oh, yeah, I’d love to see Clooney and his Mohammadan wife (beard ?) abandon his villa estate in Lake Como (where he was complaining about “the rabble”) to move back to Kentucky. Even his dad couldn’t fool the rubes into electing him in the district he and his sister, Rosemary, were born in.”

Certainly not now, anyways, with the impending Red Wave (even several leftists are conceding that the Blue Wave fizzed out right now). If anything, I’d be deeply surprised if there IS a Blue Wave.

120 posted on 11/05/2018 2:59:30 PM PST by otness_e
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