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To: fieldmarshaldj

“We should be grateful we dodged that Powell bullet, what a scumbag backstabbing weasel he turned out to be. He’d have inflicted maximum damage to the GOP had he run and won in 1996 (and probably would’ve handed off the office right back to the Dems in 2000). As for Je$$e, an example of dragging a dollar bill through a trailer park. Sadly, had MLK lived, I think he would’ve been scarcely different. One reason I deplore his canonization (same with the Kennedys).”

Eh, to be fair, MLK at least knew enough about Communism to denounce it as anti-Christian, so he definitely was far better than Jesse by any day of the week (especially when he if anything outright loved Communism, especially hailing Castro).

“Given his actions in Bay of Pigs and the immigration law changes to allow for hordes of third-worlders, it’s not possible for him to have been much worse. Even Khrushchev was gobsmacked at how much he gave away, essentially guaranteeing protection for Castro’s gulag state for perpetuity. He would’ve been equally disastrous on Vietnam had he lived. None of that would’ve happened under a President Nixon in the ‘60s.”

Yeah, Nixon probably wouldn’t have made the same mistakes JFK did. Though then again, apparently he also lied about the Missile Gap when Ike told BOTH of them it was false via U2 data if the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s is to be believed, so who knows? As far as JFK and whether he could do much worse, I’d beg to differ, even though I’d like to believe you that he couldn’t afford to do so. Aside from how the Democrats acted later on (including Maxine Waters among others), various left-wingers can and HAVE acted worse around that time, like for example, Jean-Paul Sartre, the May 1968 rioters, Michel Foucault, and the like (and I’m not even taking into account people of the distant past such as Sacco and Vanzetti, Emma Goldman, the Jacobins and other French Revolutionaries, and Russian Nihilists, among others). Heck, the Weathermen Bombers and George Lucas automatically proved themselves to be FAR worse than JFK on his worst days, actively rooting for the enemy and actively, deliberately trying to blow up their own fellow American citizens in the case of the Weathermen Underground, and George Lucas, if his interview with TIME is to be believed, is no fan of the Kennedys either (apparently he implied that the formation of the Empire had some basis on the Kennedy clan as well as Nixon. It can be found here:,8599,232440,00.html and here’s the specific line paragraph: “”I’m more on the liberal side of things,” [George Lucas] says. “I grew up in San Francisco in the ‘60s, and my positions are sort of shaped by that ... If you look back 30 years ago, there were certain issues with the Kennedys, with Richard Nixon, that focused my interest.” Lucas’ own geopolitics can sound pretty bleak: “All democracies turn into dictatorships—but not by coup. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it’s Julius Caesar or Napoleon or Adolf Hitler. Ultimately, the general population goes along with the idea ... What kinds of things push people and institutions into this direction?””). Heck, Lucas alongside Bill Ayers is arguably one of the people responsible for ensuring Obama not only got elected, but also did a massive tax hike to ensure that “the rich don’t own government” or some garbage like that. Besides, I’m not entirely sure whether Khrushchev was satisfied with Cuba or not. Yes, his memoirs definitely indicated he was, but on the other hand, Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former DIE agent, relayed how his boss witnessed Khrushchev basically screaming they should kill the Viper in reference to JFK after Cuba, which implies he may have felt JFK did in fact humiliate him. You can find it here and at similar places like WND:

“Zero was raised by Communists and sponsored by domestic terrorists. Had the media done their job in exposing him, this trash would never have been elected dogcatcher.”

Fully agreed with you there.

“Willard was never going to win the Presidency. It was a joke. Zero didn’t have to do anything illegal in 2012. Had a nominee been a non-leftist and actually willing to run a campaign, they’d have won.”

Eh, I don’t know about that. Some footage of Obama’s speeches during that time seemed to show very minimal people attending his speeches (though then again, they never bothered to pan up, so who knows). And besides, you have to admit, having nearly all of Obama’s winning states happen to be states that have no Voter ID laws comes across as suspect, and having no states with Voter ID laws that he won. That would point to voter fraud. That’s not even getting into how some places such as Philadelphia had far higher turnout for Obama than there were actual citizenry of that community. I’m assuming you mean Romney, because I definitely don’t recall him being called “Willard.” Plus, I’m pretty sure Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum were actual conservatives and not RINOs/leftists, if that’s what you’re implying.

“It would’ve ripped the country apart had Nixon contested that fraudulent election. Frankly, given everything that happened, I wish he had. After all, the Democrats haven’t hesitated to do so in 2000, 2004 and 2016.”

True, but then again, back then we had the issue of potentially going into nuclear Armageddon.

“Any Republican with a pulse would’ve won in 1952. Ike lucked out by having an uninspiring “intellectual pointy-head” in Adlai Stevenson as an opponent not once, but twice.”

Perhaps. I do know this much, though, Conservapedia and the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s seemed fond of him, the latter far more fond of him than JFK by any stretch.

“The ideal is small, Constitutional and moral government that respects the rights of its citizens. One might say that (on paper) Marxism appears to be “no government” with all-citizen participation. Of course, in practice, it leads to oppression and mass-murder to enact it. I personally do not view pure democracy as a good thing, because that is best described as two wolves and a sheep deciding on what’s for dinner. I think we have too much democracy in our nation right now. Anyone working for the federal government should not have a vote. It was one reason why DC was never intended to have the vote, because the presumption would be they would be voting on their own livelihoods at the expense of the taxpayers. It’s no wonder the entire DC area is filthy rich now and votes heavily Democrat. It’s a chronic problem even in state capitols and those with taxpayer-funded universities. That all will have to be changed or this nation will go bankrupt before long.”

Oh, I fully agree with you there. Heck, if anything, I actually think we should have absolutely NO democracy at all, as when I think of democracy, I think of the French Revolution and its excesses, having anarchy and utter lawlessness as the closest thing to an order of the day, killing neighbors for a sheer laugh, and all of that. Or, to use a more contemporary reference, the episode of SEAL Team’s first season where Bravo Team has to evacuate an American embassy due to an uptick in riots in a Somalian region over election results. I believe the name of the episode was “Collapse.”

“Though he never really was. You can make that claim about almost any pol 6 decades ago compared to today if only because our nation and culture has been pushed so dramatically leftward, and JFK was one of those responsible for making that happen.”

Even still, he definitely still came across as conservative, certainly a lot moreso than FDR ever did, and bear in mind, I’m no fan of JFK either. Besides, I can and have named plenty of people from around that time, including Americans, who were even FURTHER to the Left than JFK ever was, like for example Jean Paul Sartre (basically praised Che Guevara as the “most complete human being of the century”, not to mention had a hand in May 1968 and even got arrested and pardoned simply because, and I quote, “one does not arrest Voltaire.”), Michel Foucault (basically same deal as Sartre, only he basically advocated lynch mobs being the standard practice, and practically denounced any governmental systems, oh, and also never found a radical group he didn’t like), the Weathermen Underground, Malcolm X (heck, that guy outright celebrated JFK’s death), among others. Probably also George Lucas, as well.

“If he was principled and courageous, he’d have cast a vote one way or the other. JFK’s arranging to be in a hospital conveniently on the day of the vote was the epitome of cowardice.”

Well, technically, if he were truly principled and courageous, he would have actually voted WITH Joe McCarthy, as siding against him and with the Democrat Party isn’t even close to courageous, let alone principled. And besides, by that logic, Che Guevara was “courageous and principled” for gunning down defenseless boys with a smile on his face, even when it’s very obvious that he was, aside from being sadistic, also a massive coward via his last moments in life where he pathetically begged for his life. Not voting is still ultimately more courageous than outright voting against Joe McCarthy and siding with the Democrat mob out of sheer peer pressure.

“I lament that the Kennedys ever were in politics. The mess that family made on the nation is incalculable.”

You and me both. Though JFK probably was the least bad of them, certainly he was a better man than Ted Kennedy at least. Had Ted Kennedy been there, he probably would have voted with the Democrats with a smile on his face as he watched McCarthy squirm at the betrayal.

“If Mellon wasn’t up for it, Coolidge should’ve run for another term. He would’ve held firm in letting the economy work itself out and he certainly didn’t tolerate threats.”

Let’s hope so regarding that.

“We simply had the wrong people in charge of this country at the wrong time. Sadly, having decent Presidents is too rare a thing now, partly as a result of too much democracy. We’re fortunate to have President Trump, a great man at the right time.”

Yes, it is indeed very fortunate that we got Trump at a time like this. Though I’m not entirely sure if it’s a result of too much democracy or that we even have democracy to begin with (like I said, the only thing I can think of with democracy is the excesses of the French Revolution, as well as similar events).

“The country badly needs an exorcism, that’s for sure.”

That, I agree with.

“It should be much easier to remove problem judges, both here and abroad, especially when they represent an existential threat to their countries. The Constitution never deemed these people to be dictators.”

Yeah, that’s one flaw with the Constitution (the other of course being that there was never an explicit accreditation to God himself). Good thing we have an amendment process, though.

“That we let the left get away with this indoctrination and anti-American hate in so many facets of our government, education, cultural, and entertainment industries is appalling. This must change, too.”

Agreed, we shouldn’t have let the left access those organs at all. Unfortunately, if we try to do anything about it, we’d get accused of destroying the Constitution. Besides, I personally blame Thomas Jefferson and his throwing his lot with the Jacobins, even when he obviously would have been aware of their more inhumane actions due to personally witnessing them during his time in France, and basically crafting that Adam and Eve letter voicing solidarity for those jerks. And he advocated for education, which is a large part of the reason we have this mess.

“It takes only one generation to reject all the values of the prior generation that protected and preserved a nation and its rights. It requires eternal vigilance to protect our guaranteed God-given rights. Unfortunately, we’ve seen countless groups follow down the path to evil. As long as there is always an instinct and desire to control others, it will always be a threat. The left is always about controlling others.”

Either that, or having everyone behave chaotically and without ANY standards, kill their own friends for a sheer laugh, like the Jacobins or anarchists. Besides, I view God to be a massive control-freak and even a bit of a megalomaniac, and that’s mainly why I serve him, mostly due to outright fear and terror of him.

“It’s hard to deprogram people once they’ve been brainwashed. Of course, I don’t see all these rich elitist Hollyweird idiots rushing to give 99% of their fortunes to the poor and living on minimum wage. If they did, they’d at least have something they don’t have now... credibility.”

No kidding, on both counts.

“It would’ve been disingenuous, since a President doesn’t have the power to repeal a court decision unilaterally, only the court (and Congress) does. Chipping away at it seems to be working to a degree. It was an egregious ruling, to be sure. The issue should never have gone beyond the basics under the purview of a doctor, that being rape/incest, severe fetal health issues or life of the mother.”

Maybe he doesn’t have that power, but did he really have to imply he was going to keep Roe v. Wade as law of the land in that speech at New York? He could have at least mentioned trying to get some Justices included on the Supreme Court who are Originalists and also try to remove Roe v. Wade.

“A few out there, just not enough. You should read James Woods’ Twitter. He takes no prisoners.”

Well, I know there’s Right Network, but yeah, you’re right, there’s too much to risk openly admitting to Conservative principles. And I’ll see what I can do (shame he’s effectively blacklisted. He did make a good Hades in Hercules).

“His actions were deliberate. He wanted to obliterate the CA Republican Party as a viable opposition to the Stalinistic and corrupt Democrat party. I warned folks here he needed to be defeated. He turned out to be even more left-wing than the Democrat he recalled from office, Gov. Gray Davis.”

Yeah, which makes his complaints about his father being a Nazi even more of a problem, since he hated that bit about him. If I were him, I’d go very far to avoid being a Nazi like my father, to the extent that if anything I’d be closer to a libertarian if not a far-right Conservative, precisely BECAUSE I’d realize the Nazis and the Communists are the same thing.

112 posted on 10/31/2018 5:26:30 PM PDT by otness_e
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To: otness_e
"Eh, to be fair, MLK at least knew enough about Communism to denounce it as anti-Christian, so he definitely was far better than Jesse by any day of the week (especially when he if anything outright loved Communism, especially hailing Castro)."

MLK was trained at the Highlander Folk School here in my state of TN. It was used to bring up Communist activists. He believed in massive federal government to resolve problems and thought the Communist system was a legitimate opposition system (he said as much on an interview with Merv Griffin). He may have sounded "Conservative" in some of his speeches (indeed, he plagiarized the speech of a Republican minister delivered to the GOP National Convention, "I Have A Dream"), but he was still very left wing and helped to lead 90%+ of Black voters onto the Democrat Plantation. The damage that has done to the Black community has been without equal, especially the destruction of the Black family.

"Yeah, Nixon probably wouldn’t have made the same mistakes JFK did. Though then again, apparently he also lied about the Missile Gap when Ike told BOTH of them it was false via U2 data if the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s is to be believed, so who knows? As far as JFK and whether he could do much worse, I’d beg to differ, even though I’d like to believe you that he couldn’t afford to do so. Aside from how the Democrats acted later on (including Maxine Waters among others), various left-wingers can and HAVE acted worse around that time, like for example, Jean-Paul Sartre, the May 1968 rioters, Michel Foucault, and the like (and I’m not even taking into account people of the distant past such as Sacco and Vanzetti, Emma Goldman, the Jacobins and other French Revolutionaries, and Russian Nihilists, among others). Heck, the Weathermen Bombers and George Lucas automatically proved themselves to be FAR worse than JFK on his worst days, actively rooting for the enemy and actively, deliberately trying to blow up their own fellow American citizens in the case of the Weathermen Underground, and George Lucas, if his interview with TIME is to be believed, is no fan of the Kennedys either (apparently he implied that the formation of the Empire had some basis on the Kennedy clan as well as Nixon. It can be found here:,8599,232440,00.html and here’s the specific line paragraph: “”I’m more on the liberal side of things,” [George Lucas] says. “I grew up in San Francisco in the ‘60s, and my positions are sort of shaped by that ... If you look back 30 years ago, there were certain issues with the Kennedys, with Richard Nixon, that focused my interest.” Lucas’ own geopolitics can sound pretty bleak: “All democracies turn into dictatorships—but not by coup. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it’s Julius Caesar or Napoleon or Adolf Hitler. Ultimately, the general population goes along with the idea ... What kinds of things push people and institutions into this direction?””). Heck, Lucas alongside Bill Ayers is arguably one of the people responsible for ensuring Obama not only got elected, but also did a massive tax hike to ensure that “the rich don’t own government” or some garbage like that. Besides, I’m not entirely sure whether Khrushchev was satisfied with Cuba or not. Yes, his memoirs definitely indicated he was, but on the other hand, Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former DIE agent, relayed how his boss witnessed Khrushchev basically screaming they should kill the Viper in reference to JFK after Cuba, which implies he may have felt JFK did in fact humiliate him. You can find it here and at similar places like WND:"

Of course, you're citing individuals that (at the time) could not have held or won office in this country. Intellectuals tend to be especially odious, airing their deranged views from the comfort of their ivory towers and never to live under such systems. These Communist celebrities are equally as bad. Filthy rich, they got theirs, and the peons should be serving them. Of course, they'll never move to Cuba or Venezuela or North Korea to their utopias. George Lucas is so overrated, anyhow. Star Wars is just a rip-off of Flash Gordon. He couldn't secure the rights to making "Gordon", so he just reworked the story. Now the new movies are nothing more than SJW propaganda and garbage. But, yes, left-wingers have been making humanity miserable now for centuries, bathing the 20th century in oceans of blood. I learned that the left was never about solving problems, but perpetuating misery and chaos and dependency in order to keep themselves in power. How much further we'd be along as humanity were they never to have existed. "Eh, I don’t know about that. Some footage of Obama’s speeches during that time seemed to show very minimal people attending his speeches (though then again, they never bothered to pan up, so who knows). And besides, you have to admit, having nearly all of Obama’s winning states happen to be states that have no Voter ID laws comes across as suspect, and having no states with Voter ID laws that he won. That would point to voter fraud. That’s not even getting into how some places such as Philadelphia had far higher turnout for Obama than there were actual citizenry of that community."

Voter fraud for Democrats is as American as apple pie. But it the case of 2012, it obviously happened, but it didn't make any difference, since the outcome was already pre-determined.

"I’m assuming you mean Romney, because I definitely don’t recall him being called “Willard.” Plus, I’m pretty sure Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum were actual conservatives and not RINOs/leftists, if that’s what you’re implying."

You weren't here for the fun times a dozen years ago. I was watching Willard the Rat (or Slick Willard, Scum Willard, et al) from the time he was Governor. To say he was a disastrous Socialist Chief Executive would be an understatement. He put leftist pro-criminal judges on the bench, he supported the pro-gay marriage horror, and implemented the very model for ZeroCare complete with cheap abortions. He also killed the last vestiges of the GOP in the state. In other words, Willard was a perfect Democrat. He also was massively unpopular and fled the office before he lost reelection and handed it to a Black Communist (sound familiar ?). He moved far away to California. I knew a total megalomaniac and pathological liar like Willard would be a disaster for the country if he ran for or became President. Then again, he was content in three elections in a row to (#1, help undermine and backstab Gov. Palin when she became McQueeg's running mate. #2, Willfully and deliberately threw the 2012 election. #3, Personally recruited Egg McMuffin for 2016 to funnel votes away from Trump and elect Hillary). To say Willard is a treasonous scumbag would be an understatement. What damage he will inflict (or attempt to) as the new Senator from Utah to deliberately harm President Trump is the question. I would vote for the actual Democrat running against him to keep him from the Senate.

As for the other candidates you mentioned, they were all too weak. Herman Cain was obliterated as soon as they trotted out the hackneyed old Democrat dirty trick of "sexual harassment" (which was racist on its face). Santorum was second-tier and could not get the resources needed to run a serious race. The only reason he got the support he did was because nobody else running had any Conservative credibility. You had Huckster from Arkansas, but he was the Southern-fried Willard and a disaster as Governor and had zero credibility on immigration (he supported open borders and keeping Tyson factories chock-full of illegal slave labor). He also virtually destroyed the state GOP (indeed, his Democrat successor did more to help the AR GOP than Huckster). As for Newtie, he was a no-go. He was one of the most unpopular pols in the country, he never recovered from his time as Speaker. He folded like a cheap suit during the so-called gov't shutdown of 1995 and all but handed Bubba Clintoon his second term. Now while he would've run to win, he was too problematic to win. Rudy Giuliani was a possibility (and he did take down an incompetent Communist Black Mayor in his first term), but he was too left-wing on social issues and it didn't make sense that he'd appoint a Conservative government when he didn't believe in it. Why would you appoint people you disagree with ?

"Perhaps. I do know this much, though, Conservapedia and the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s seemed fond of him, the latter far more fond of him than JFK by any stretch."

Adlai ? Probably because of the scene he made when he served as UN Ambassador under JFK (the "Don't wait for the translation !" he shouted at the Russian Ambassador). It was a great visual, but Adlai as President would've been the Peter Sellers caricature Merkin Muffley from "Dr. Strangelove."

"Oh, I fully agree with you there. Heck, if anything, I actually think we should have absolutely NO democracy at all, as when I think of democracy, I think of the French Revolution and its excesses, having anarchy and utter lawlessness as the closest thing to an order of the day, killing neighbors for a sheer laugh, and all of that. Or, to use a more contemporary reference, the episode of SEAL Team’s first season where Bravo Team has to evacuate an American embassy due to an uptick in riots in a Somalian region over election results. I believe the name of the episode was “Collapse.”

The folks that should participate in anything pertaining to "democracy" are those with skin in the game. The makers, not the takers. It's frightening to think Thomas Jefferson supported the French Revolution, which demonstrated the left in all its bloodthirsty glory. Of course, he supported us being an agrarian society, since when you end up with cities... well, we've seen what political cesspools they are with corrupt, statist and totalitarian leftist instincts and no diversity of opinion (or critical thinking).

"Even still, he definitely still came across as conservative, certainly a lot moreso than FDR ever did, and bear in mind, I’m no fan of JFK either. Besides, I can and have named plenty of people from around that time, including Americans, who were even FURTHER to the Left than JFK ever was, like for example Jean Paul Sartre (basically praised Che Guevara as the “most complete human being of the century”, not to mention had a hand in May 1968 and even got arrested and pardoned simply because, and I quote, “one does not arrest Voltaire.”), Michel Foucault (basically same deal as Sartre, only he basically advocated lynch mobs being the standard practice, and practically denounced any governmental systems, oh, and also never found a radical group he didn’t like), the Weathermen Underground, Malcolm X (heck, that guy outright celebrated JFK’s death), among others. Probably also George Lucas, as well."

Well, Malcolm X commented that JFK's assassination was like the chickens coming home to roost. Unlike MLK, who all but urged the Black poultry to go to the Democrat plantation of Colonel Sanders, Malcolm warned Blacks about voting Democrat. MLK was too much of an attention-seeker (and pleasure-seeker) to have done much positive in the long run, but it would've been curious to see where Malcolm would've been at had he not been assassinated. He at least urged Blacks NOT to depend on government, which was excellent advice. Once you become dependent, it's hard to break the habit (like alcohol or drugs). Democrats knew this and worked it to their advantage, and still to this day.

"Well, technically, if he were truly principled and courageous, he would have actually voted WITH Joe McCarthy, as siding against him and with the Democrat Party isn’t even close to courageous, let alone principled. And besides, by that logic, Che Guevara was “courageous and principled” for gunning down defenseless boys with a smile on his face, even when it’s very obvious that he was, aside from being sadistic, also a massive coward via his last moments in life where he pathetically begged for his life. Not voting is still ultimately more courageous than outright voting against Joe McCarthy and siding with the Democrat mob out of sheer peer pressure."

But the point was that he needed to show up and stand up and be counted. It's not courageous to dodge a key vote, it's cowardice.

"You and me both. Though JFK probably was the least bad of them, certainly he was a better man than Ted Kennedy at least. Had Ted Kennedy been there, he probably would have voted with the Democrats with a smile on his face as he watched McCarthy squirm at the betrayal."

I considered them all odious.

"Yes, it is indeed very fortunate that we got Trump at a time like this. Though I’m not entirely sure if it’s a result of too much democracy or that we even have democracy to begin with (like I said, the only thing I can think of with democracy is the excesses of the French Revolution, as well as similar events)."

He turned out a lot of people to vote for him that either wouldn't have voted or voted Democrat. Trump carried some counties that hadn't gone Republican in over 6 decades (places like Dubuque, Iowa, a Catholic area), even one county in WA state that last went GOP for President in 1928. A lot of working-class and industrial areas went hard for Trump. The GOP should unapologetically be a workers' party (take back that name from the Stalinists) and an empowerment party for the individual, not empowerment for bureaucrats, ultraleft nutters and elitists.

"Yeah, that’s one flaw with the Constitution (the other of course being that there was never an explicit accreditation to God himself). Good thing we have an amendment process, though."

Of course, the Constitution is being flagrantly violated on a daily basis.

"Agreed, we shouldn’t have let the left access those organs at all. Unfortunately, if we try to do anything about it, we’d get accused of destroying the Constitution. Besides, I personally blame Thomas Jefferson and his throwing his lot with the Jacobins, even when he obviously would have been aware of their more inhumane actions due to personally witnessing them during his time in France, and basically crafting that Adam and Eve letter voicing solidarity for those jerks. And he advocated for education, which is a large part of the reason we have this mess."

It's not education in itself that is the problem, it's indoctrination and failure to teach critical thinking. The big ed industry has become so thoroughly corrupted and needs be cleaned out from top to bottom.

"Either that, or having everyone behave chaotically and without ANY standards, kill their own friends for a sheer laugh, like the Jacobins or anarchists. Besides, I view God to be a massive control-freak and even a bit of a megalomaniac, and that’s mainly why I serve him, mostly due to outright fear and terror of him."

I wish God would be a bit more controlling, to be honest. Rid us of the cancers of our society. Of course, He operates on His schedule, not ours. Though if He controlled every little aspect, what would be the point of our existence ? How would we ever learn ? It'd be like your parents perpetually babysitting you throughout your life.

"Maybe he doesn’t have that power, but did he really have to imply he was going to keep Roe v. Wade as law of the land in that speech at New York? He could have at least mentioned trying to get some Justices included on the Supreme Court who are Originalists and also try to remove Roe v. Wade."

Technically, he would be telling the truth by saying as much. Unfortunately, even if Roe was jettisoned today, some states that enacted laws preceding the decision (NY being one) would still have legalized abortion.

"Yeah, which makes his complaints about his father being a Nazi even more of a problem, since he hated that bit about him. If I were him, I’d go very far to avoid being a Nazi like my father, to the extent that if anything I’d be closer to a libertarian if not a far-right Conservative, precisely BECAUSE I’d realize the Nazis and the Communists are the same thing."

Curiously, Ah-nold wasn't even initially planning on running in the recall of 2003. He was planning on recruiting the left-wing RINO ex-Mayor of Los Angeles, Tricky Dick Riordan. Riordan was mediocre and loved endorsing Democrats (such as Sen. Feinstein). He was obliterated when he tried to run in a Gubernatorial primary, exposed as the left-wing phony that he is. So Ah-nold went to have a one-on-one with Dicky and made the discovery that he was obviously senile and had rice pudding for brains (wasn't just the leftism that addled his brain). Conservative Tom McClintock was already in the running, and a mush-brained Riordan would've been toast, so Ah-nold himself got in and used deep pockets and the corrupt party establishment to buy the office out from under McClintock. It's sick and sad to see the state today, so far removed from the Golden State shine it had up until the early '90s. It's a feudal state now with anti-American politics and rampant corruption and never-ending spending, chasing the productive middle and working class people out. The shame of the nation.

113 posted on 11/01/2018 12:13:52 PM PDT by fieldmarshaldj ("It's Slappin' Time !")
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