Las señoras in my Spanish class are all retired teachers, all progressives and ALL hate common core. So, we finally have something in common. Though they’ll never admit from whence it’s planted.
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OTOH, all my kids have excelled in math having been homeschooled.
Thank you Saxon Math!
Whoever wrote this article improperly conflates “percentages of enrollment” with the ability to perform algebra or pre-algebraic math. For meaningful analysis, compare statewide average performance on standardized math tests for various years. Next compare results for students subjected to Common Core versus conventional curricula. Which group has higher test scores AFTER their first year of algebra? Further separate results by socioeconomic and ethnic criteria. Using enrollment as a proxy for ability is a joke ... 87.35% of the time.
I wonder if there were any studies that showed the common core method of teaching math was actually better than the old way? I suspect not, and that these “improvements” are done at the whim of some bureacracy. I also suspect that some of these methods (like whole word vs phonetics) are actually designed to dumb down American students to put us at a disadvantage.
“By 2014, California was the top state in the nation in eighth-grade algebra enrollment.”
So who cares about enrollment. How did these cupcakes compare with other students nationwide in algebra academics?
Wasn’t Betty DeVose supposed to eliminate common core?
Trying to make a silk purse into a sows ear....nothing like “1+1=2; 2+2”4.....Common Core threw everything ‘cept the kitchen sink in showing 1+1=2 etc....acting instead of teaching.
I’m shocked, amazed and stunned! /sar/
Sample common core problems:
100-Year-Old Math Teacher Slams The ‘Common Core’ Method
Quick question: does anyone on this thread consider themselves proficient in, and understand “Common Core” math?
Which is exactly what they wanted when they came up with common core.
Anyone else miss the “old days” when the term “close enough for government work” was a joke and not a real end result of our nation’s educational system?